What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ?

   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #91  
I was towing a goose-neck trailer half-full of manure. The CUT was in 2wd as I climbed over a hill and proceeded downhill without dropping the speed. There was a lake at the bottom with a house just 5 meters from water. I needed to drive the tractor in-between the house and trees near it. The opening was something like 3 tractors wide and to the side of my trajectory. So I was going at speed down-hill at an angle. I dropped the accelerator to idle but revs kept creeping up along with speed.
So I lightly tapped the breaks and the whole tractor immediately went sideways pushed by the trailer. I counter-steered. The tractor kept going sideways digging in back wheels but it did not change direction. It somehow cleared the house by inches but now I was barreling towards the lake. I managed to plan a point where I jump off. Considered straightening the wheels forcing the back wheels to come into contact with the trailer goose-neck possibly flipping the CUT. Lamented what would half a trailer of manure do to a standing water lake. All that in less than two seconds.
Then the CUT straightened out as it hit a patch of compacted ground and I made the fastest 90 degree turn I ever attempted. I stopped and dismounted to thing what just happened.
I miss-judged the weight I was pulling. Wet manure sure is weighty. From then on I would always take the long way round if I tow anything just to avoid that hill. You need to know your terrain and be mindful of it.

My father has flipped that CUT twice in 15+ years we have it. The most recently it was when he backed it up into a beaver burrow while mowing the lake embankment. And he even knew it was there but still chanced on going over it. So the CUT is laying on it's side in a big hole. He hooks it up to an SUV and asks my mother to pull him out. Most likely he hooked the CUT by the front axle as there is no front hook. So they pull it and flip it on the other side. Oil leeks out. He unhooks the finishing mover and it ends up rolling into the lake. They manage to put the CUT back on the wheels and drive it to the shed and leave the mower for me to winch out. Later on they could not even recount how everything happened from the shock.
Bad decisions cost a lot of nerves, money and your health.
   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #92  
I once started the tractor with a 18" hydraulic line disconnected from a cylinder on my thumb grapple...before I could shut it off there was hydraulic oil everywhere...including all over myself...
...for about 3 seconds that hose flailed around like I don't know what...sure made a mess...!
   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #93  

I think the photo pretty well tells the story, i was trying to pick up a large limb and my xg3135 slid off into the pond i let the FEL down immediately to keep it from Rowling over and hooked my 50 hp tractor with a chain to stabilize the tractor and drove it out of the pond.
And Yes my wife had a few choice words for the boy as i am in my 80s
   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #94  
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I think the photo pretty well tells the story, i was trying to pick up a large limb and my xg3135 slid off into the pond i let the FEL down immediately to keep it from Rowling over and hooked my 50 hp tractor with a chain to stabilize the tractor and drove it out of the pond.
And Yes my wife had a few choice words for the boy as i am in my 80s
I can see the angry wife in your side mirror haha
   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #95  
Dumbest Thing for me has been ... not using the equipment every day.

i keep running out of time, the Kubota misses me.
   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #96  
   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #97  
I was young, maybe 12 or 13. My father and I had been helping one of our cousins square bale hay. If I remember correctly, we alternating two hay wagons. When the one would get full we would hook it to another tractor and run those to the barn about a mile away. Well my father said he'd run one of the loaded hay wagons to the barn and he and I would unload it into the loft. He hitched up the hay wagon to the tractor (I believe it was an AC B or C) and told me to stand on the draw bar hitch and hold onto him and a fender for the mile ride (not a good idea). Anyway, the first section of road goes up an incline - nothing crazy, but steep enough to be a problem. The incline ends at a four-way stop. I'm still not exactly sure what happened, but dad slowed as we came to the stop sign (still on an incline) and as he stopped. The tractor proceeded to change direction of momentum and roll backwards down the hill. I could see the "oh crap" look on my dad's face as he started pumping the brakes - nothing. My little 12 year old brain knew this is how I was going to die...but dad through much transmission grinding, bucking, and halting was able to get the tractor into gear, get the tractor stopped, and finally continue on our way.

When we told his cousin about it, he was like, "Oh yeah, forgot to tell you - the brakes don't work - you can't slow down or stop at the stop sign...we just try to get a clear line of sight and shoot through the stop sign." Needless to say, I as an 11 or 12 year old learned A LOT of lessons that day.

-Know the equipment you're using
-If someone is using my equipment, tell them EVERYTHING about the machine
-Don't work for people who don't care enough about your wellbeing to look out for you
-Towing heavy stuff is dangerous
-Staying calm in an emergency situation is crucial
- AND DON'T LET YOUR KIDS STAND ON THE DRAWBAR HITCH WHEN OPERATING A MOVING TRACTOR - ESPECIALLY WHEN HAULING HEAVY LOADS. I'm really not sure what dad was thinking on that one. Would have been plenty more safer to have just ridden in the hay wagon with the hay...
   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #98  
Great thread.

Thought of one today as I was cutting up a large oak.

Last summer I was paroling a small pasture moving crap I didn't want to hit with the brush hog in a mini x.

Picked up bunch of sticks and rocks, noticed a pretty good cedar thicket was forming around a big oak tree. I pulled the trees I didn't want to brush hog, pulled what was left of an old stump, and even combed some dirt over a few exposed roots. Spent about an hour or so.

Rolled back 50 feet to admire my work, spun around, and saw the tree was standing dead...................


   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #99  
Great thread.

Thought of one today as I was cutting up a large oak.

Last summer I was paroling a small pasture moving crap I didn't want to hit with the brush hog in a mini x.

Picked up bunch of sticks and rocks, noticed a pretty good cedar thicket was forming around a big oak tree. I pulled the trees I didn't want to brush hog, pulled what was left of an old stump, and even combed some dirt over a few exposed roots. Spent about an hour or so.

Rolled back 50 feet to admire my work, spun around, and saw the tree was standing dead...................


That sounds like something I would do... thank you for my daily laugh!!! :D
   / What is the dumbest thing you have done with your equipment ? #100  
Using my equipments tracks or tires as a portable workbench. That was a speed square like top of pic in it's better days.


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