What kind of apples?

   / What kind of apples? #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
I have many wild apple trees on my property. This one holds its fruit very late. The others dropped their apples almost two months ago.
What gives with this tree?


   / What kind of apples? #2  
How does the apple taste? Sweet? There was a guy that was very knowledgeable about apples and could give an educated guess as to varieties based on taste...

It's a variety thing... we bought apple trees from a great guy (that finally retired) based on several factors / characteristics. We ordered mainly based of insect and disease resistant but could have bought based on when the fruit ripen or drops...

   / What kind of apples? #3  
Apples are known to hybridize like mad, so, who knows for certain? There are lots of heirloom apples scattered across the upper Midwest and Northeast. Look up the Kazakhstan Apple breeding institute some time if you want to read about some interesting older varieties...

I would be tempted to make an appointment and take some and a small branch and a photograph of the tree over to Cornell's breeding station, or your county agent.

Our old farm had a deep red apple that hung on the tree for a long time with reddish pink flesh and a cinnamon like flavor to it. I have never seen anything close since. Our current place had a pair of old apple trees that make a green apple that gets a gold blush about the first frost, with a slight citrus overtone to the sweet/tart flavor. I can't find anything close to that one either.

Good luck.

All the best,

   / What kind of apples? #4  
I have a Grimes Golden apple that out here stays on the tree until late January, sometimes February. One thing to note is that the later the tree ripens, the longer the apples last in storage (generally). I consider the late trees good to feed the deer and elk into the new year. As Ponytug mentions, apples crossbreed like crazy, you might even have a one-of-a-kind. There are thousands of apple varieties, many worthless.
   / What kind of apples? #5  
The old homestead on my north property had a couple old apple trees. Current owner had no idea what type. I took a couple apples and leaves to the WSU farm extension service - down in Pullman, WA.

They said - some form of a hybridized Red Delicious. Exact species - unknown. This is because over all the years this tree and its fruit had gone thru modifications to improve viability at this exact location.

Whatever - these apples were rather small - fairly tart - had tremendous storage abilities.
   / What kind of apples? #6  
When my parents planted their orchard, they intentionally chose a variety of apples that ripen from about mid August to mid October, I think.
I don't remember all the varieties. The King and Gravenstein apples are some of the early ones, and somehow they got two different Gravenstein trees that are staggered when they ripen. I forgot the one that is last.
   / What kind of apples? #7  
I have a Fuji in my orchard that is still loaded with apples.
I tried one last week, and it tasted kind of fermented.

Every day I see hummingbirds drinking the juice, as well as other small birds. They seem to prefer it over the feeder in the yard, but both are available, to help them through the cold winter.
   / What kind of apples? #8  
Probably a cider apple of some type. Back in the day before refrigeration they planned for and planted apples for fresh eating, apples for cooking, apples for cider, for storage, apples that ripened early, mid and late season.
   / What kind of apples? #9  
Our milk cow planted our orchard and she wasn't picky about what she planted or where.

Here's a picture taken from the west. The apple trees on the left was the cow's pasture and we fed her apples she did the planting, no charge.

I don't know how many trees there are, quite a few. Also there are apple trees elsewhere at the farm planted by the deer and bear.


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   / What kind of apples? #10  
Our milk cow planted our orchard and she wasn't picky about what she planted or where.

Here's a picture taken from the west. The apple trees on the left was the cow's pasture and we fed her apples she did the planting, no charge.

I don't know how many trees there are, quite a few. Also there are apple trees elsewhere at the farm planted by the deer and bear.
So how many different kinds did you end up with?

All the best, Peter

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