What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer?

   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #31  
My property came with a basic driveway already in place for the first 200'. With a 20' culvert at the road in the ditch. I am on a medium traffic, 45mph paved road.

Well my township made me get a "driveway permit" from the county road commission before they would grant me a home building permit - fair enough, you shouldn't build a home if it won't be safe for roadway enter/exit or accessible by emergency services.

But then the county told me I needed a 30' culvert, and pavement for at least 20' from the roadway edge, concrete or asphalt. Why require pavement from the road edge when every other gravel driveway in the entire county was rocks right up to the road edge? So said F U, not doing it - I simply didn't have the few thousand extra dollars for asphalt connection to the county road that I didn't want or need. Well I was "granted" the driveway permit, which let me start my house build, but then I never did the work or got it inspected and closed. Sorry, county road commission.

I sure would rather have a 30' long culvert, though. I use every bit of my existing 20'er to pull my BP car hauler and 21' camper in and out of the road. And semis had issue coming in to deliver stuff for the home build, but generally all made it. My septic/excavation guy ran off the edge once but it didn't hurt the culvert, so it's hard to get motivated to tear it out.
Deezler: They require the first so many feet be hard surfaced, (normally to the edge of Right of Way, which is their property), because the rocks which get moved into the travel way get launched by tires on vehicles coming by, which can result to damage to vehicles and injury to pedestrians.

Also, the rocks on their paved surface can create point loads which damage their pavement, which decreases the pavement life, and causes potholes in wet climates….

Here’s hoping your windshield get broken by a thrown rock. And that the road adjacent to your driveway gets potholed enough to ruin the suspension on your vehicles, and then when they come to repair the potholes, charge you for the cost of repair, and hard surfacing your driveway. Then seize your property and sell it auction to cover the cost, because you refuse to play the bill.

Nothing personal, but I have had enough of anti-social selfish people and have decided to start calling them out for it.
   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #32  
Deezler: They require the first so many feet be hard surfaced, (normally to the edge of Right of Way, which is their property), because the rocks which get moved into the travel way get launched by tires on vehicles coming by, which can result to damage to vehicles and injury to pedestrians.

Also, the rocks on their paved surface can create point loads which damage their pavement, which decreases the pavement life, and causes potholes in wet climates….

Here’s hoping your windshield get broken by a thrown rock. And that the road adjacent to your driveway gets potholed enough to ruin the suspension on your vehicles, and then when they come to repair the potholes, charge you for the cost of repair, and hard surfacing your driveway. Then seize your property and sell it auction to cover the cost, because you refuse to play the bill.

Nothing personal, but I have had enough of anti-social selfish people and have decided to start calling them out for it.
Let's start out disagreeing with just about all of your post;

One thing just because they have stolen property by calling it "their" rightaway in most places especially on secondary roads a person owns and PAYS taxes to the center of the roadway, so it is NOT their property.

If people would just slow down a bit there would be a lot less debris being throw around by speeding tires.

Bull on small debris damaging the roads if those roads are built that poorly then they will break up regardless of what trickles out on to them.

"charge you for the cost of repair, and hard surfacing your driveway. Then seize your property and sell it auction to cover the cost, because you refuse to play the bill."
Nothing personal my ___, desiring any governmental agency to steal private property and bankrupt owners is purely and simply asinine.
   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #33  
I have never seen anyone pave or concrete the road easement portion of their gravel driveway.

If it were truly owned by the govt agency in charge, they can pay for the first 30' of my driveway and install it however they see fit. Otherwise.....my driveway to do as I please right up to the roads edge.

It's a shame some people think the govt should have more power to dictate what one can/cannot do on their property. Let alone wish them ill fate.
   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #34  
My driveway were we are was only 20 foot culvert when we bought it. I added a24 foot culvert to it, it's just about right for backing a tractor trailer in now.
   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #35  
It is a shame there are antisocial folks like you who think individuals have the right to impress their responsibilities to the society and the rest of society.

You ***** about everything and feel you have nothing but “rights” without realizing all of the “rights’ you have, come with a responsibility to your society. And if you manage to be fiercely independent and destroy the fabric of society, you too are fair game.

Like I said, I’m fed up with anti-social, selfish people. And, have decided to call them out. Whenever they make antisocial, selfish statements.
   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #36  
Around here a lot of the driveways are paved and the county road was chip and sealed about 30 years ago with a few chuckholes filled since. If you drive over 20 mph your vehicle will fall apart. I suspect that they will grind up the road and turn it back into gravel if enough people complain.
I guess according to Jigs I should charge the county for damage to the suspension on my car.
   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #37  
Installing a new driveway entrance on some property I have purchased and want to make sure to install the correct size to not be limited to normal trucks and trailers.

Ideally it would need to be wide enough for a pickup truck and a 25-30’ gooseneck deckover trailer.

Would it need to be any wider for a dump truck and trailer or even a small transfer truck if necessary?

Double wall 15” pipe comes in 20’ sections hoping that 20’ wide should be plenty.
When I was building a rear access drive to our place in NC and found the folks willing to do the work offering significantly different solutions and approaches, I contacted the State Roads Department and got the skinny as well as diagrams and gravel specs, etc. Then I told the contractor what I wanted and got a pretty decent result IIMSSM.

Turns out none of the people I could afford to hire had a degree in any sort of engineering!

BTW Think ROW as well as road surface to account for overhang and such.
   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #38  
The county does as near next to nothing as possible to maintain the roads, unless doctors or lawyers live on it, but as for driveways all you need do is buy the culvert and they will pick it up, deliver and install it at no charge. They even provide all the gravel needed to put it in. Come spring the metal culvert into our field is rotted out on the bottom and I am going to let them have the honor of replacing it.
   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #39  
I was required to put in 30' drives. They are not wide enough.
   / What size/width driveway for truck and gooseneck trailer? #40  
Deezler: They require the first so many feet be hard surfaced, (normally to the edge of Right of Way, which is their property), because the rocks which get moved into the travel way get launched by tires on vehicles coming by, which can result to damage to vehicles and injury to pedestrians.

Also, the rocks on their paved surface can create point loads which damage their pavement, which decreases the pavement life, and causes potholes in wet climates….

Here’s hoping your windshield get broken by a thrown rock. And that the road adjacent to your driveway gets potholed enough to ruin the suspension on your vehicles, and then when they come to repair the potholes, charge you for the cost of repair, and hard surfacing your driveway. Then seize your property and sell it auction to cover the cost, because you refuse to play the bill.

Nothing personal, but I have had enough of anti-social selfish people and have decided to start calling them out for it.
Wow. Maybe you missed the part about how zero other gravel driveways in my entire township and county have this piece of pavement in place. I totally understand why they want us to do it, but no one does, and they clearly do not enforce it. I honestly would not mind having it, but when trying to start our home build I could not afford it. It’s also just not very necessary.

My driveway slopes away from the road and my gravel does not migrate. I always grade my gravel and plow my snow IN towards my property. The county roads here are mostly all potholed disasters…. Despite me paying several thousand dollars in property taxes annually. But thanks for wishing harm to my family and our vehicles, thats real compassionate of you.

You can lick the boots of your governmental overlords and suck down whatever draconian regulatory overreaches you like, but most of the rest of us will use some common sense and not wish harm upon our neighbors.