Who else likes rocks?

   / Who else likes rocks? #21  

<font color=blue>"Some are the size of a large house. I've always thought about burrowing into one and making a single rock house!"<font color=blue>

<font color=black>"The Flintstones oh the Flintstones, their just a simple stoneage family. From the town of Bedrock, just a place right out of history."<font color=black>

I'm sorry I just couldn't resist that. /w3tcompact/icons/clever.gif/w3tcompact/icons/grin.gif/w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif/w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif/w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif/w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif
   / Who else likes rocks? #23  

Hey I love that emoticon for your signature. Been there, done that!
   / Who else likes rocks? #24  
Thats ok.
I'm hangin' out to find a million year old fossil inside a rock so I can sell it and holler' yabbadabadoo...
   / Who else likes rocks?
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I read your posts about the troubles you're having putting that fence in, and I feel your pain. When you're measuring your progress in inches per hour,,,man, that's a bummer. I can see why you'd be a little cross-ways with rocks in general. But hey, I'm willing to help. Just put the ornery critters on a truck and ship'em to the Dave & Linda home for unwanted rocks. We'll give'em a good home. Especially some of those nice retangular ones. All of ours are mostly round and don't take to stacking too well. I've got a real urge for one of of those stacked stone walls like you've got.

   / Who else likes rocks?
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You guys in oz get a real kick out of showing up us Texans doncha' you? *G*

A while back I posted a pic on a bulldozer site of one of my dozers buried to the top of the tracks in a mud hole, and an Oz guy promply posted a pic of his dozer buried to the top of the cab.

I think the thing is, there's only a few places on earth less hospitable to civilized life then Texas, and Oz is one of'em.

Gotta make us some kind of kindred souls, doncha think?

   / Who else likes rocks? #27  
"Any rock breaking suggestions for me, or do i have rocks in my head? "

   / Who else likes rocks? #28  

How many hundred snake do you figure live in that wall?
   / Who else likes rocks?
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Nobody gonna pass caliche off on me, I hate the stuff. Too white, and too dusty. Everyone around here uses it for roads, and you've got to pay a pretty good price for it, since it's trucked in. I've got a driveway and a parking lot I need to cover, but I'm holding out for some railroad rock, the stuff the railroad removes when they're redoing the rail bed. It's kinda "dirty". But at least it's brown and doesn't melt when it rains, or turn your car fenders white when it dries out.

A lot of those flint rocks have little pock mark holes formed by mother nature, and some are already sprouting grass and weeds. You're right, it doesn't take much to sustain some plants, usually the ones we don't want.

   / Who else likes rocks? #30  
<font color=blue>Any rock breaking suggestions for me, or do I have rocks in my head?</font color=blue>

Is seen an episode on This Old House where they were splitting large rocks. A Hammer Drill with a ¾” bit was used to drill holes in a line every 8 to 10”. Then sets of steel wedges were driven into each hole. A one handed sledgehammer (about 2 lbs.) was used to hit the wedges until the rock split. They were splitting rocks that were 4 to 5’ a crossed and 3' thick.
After I wrote all the weight and measurements above it occurred to me that in Australia you might be using metric measurements. <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.joshmadison.com/software/convert/>Here is a great free software download for converting measurements.</A>