Who/What's eating my blueberries?

   / Who/What's eating my blueberries? #11  
I think you are getting eaten, not a fungus but the above post about a magnifying glass to see if they're moving is a good one. So is asking at your local county extension office as to whatever it might be; you're probably not alone, and odds are good the small fruit person at the extension has seen this before and knows what to do.
Sevin and Daconil are both used on fruits headed for consumption but there are certainly time limitations on applying any of that stuff before eating. And Sevin is a really broad insecticide that kills nearly everything that crawls or flies whether it's a good bug or a bad one. Get a recommendation from the county agent, go from there.
   / Who/What's eating my blueberries? #12  
Looks as though you've got a fungal disease. Take to the extension office for them to research it and tell you what to do.

Likely need a copper based or daconil type fungicide.
