Why Run?

   / Why Run? #31  
I agree. When I was a kid.. your parent wouldn't buy you an atv ( or dirt bike / go cart) unless you had room on YOUR property to ride it. We wouldn't think of tearing up someone else's property.

These parents now, live on little 1/4ac lots.. get their kids these 'toys, so they can zoom up and down the farm roads.. run horses and eat up the right of way and any open pasture land.

I had to put up a 3 wire barb wire fence a few years ago on a pasture I am renovating just to keep the little monstors out. It adds a little agravation factor tying to work the pasture with the fence/gate.. but i had to do it. The rusts they left in my pasture was good at taking out brush hog shear pins.. and cost me 15 minutes down time per pop. and then i had to smooth the ruts out.
So like I said.. I hope there was a fine and impoundment.. perhaps some juve court date set.. heck.. hope the irresponsible parent gets a fine too.

( can ya tell this issue iritates me?? )

   / Why Run? #32  
I had to put up some fence to keep them out as well. I would have much preferred a minefield but that wouldn't have been legal. The prevailing thoughts today appear to be, where it has the ability to go, it is allowable for me to ride it. If you live next to any state park land where they are considering allowing atv use, fight it for all you're worth. They will take the land they are allowed to ride on and triple it with damaging tresspassing onto private proprtry.
   / Why Run? #33  
Wow...that is a sad, but head shaking story. The fact that they found drugs on them answers some of the "why" part.

As far as the cop being improperly trained....that might be the case, but if I was knowingly being dragged by someone for a full mile, I'd say that person had zero regard for my life and would do what was necessary to "get away", and that apparently would include killing me. I'm thinking I may have shot the fool myself if in that situation. Not that I'm a trained cop, but in hind sight here......Who knows if he was driving close to trees to dislodge him or if his legs were getting caught in the tires. The only thing I can imagine is that they were all boozed up and on something. That is such an unnecessary situation. I guess the first fool who ran will have to live with that for the rest of his life. I don't blame the cop in the least...it may have been resolved another way with warning shots or shots to the tires, but can you just imagine how the cop felt being literally dragged screaming for a mile! I think he did what he thought was right and how do you "think" in a situation like that?

Unbelieveable stupidity performed by borderline criminals on booze and drugs. What can one say....You just got to hope to god you don't raise a kid like that.
   / Why Run? #34  
Robert, I didn't read all the threads in this forum, so I don't know if it's been covered. I think this whole situation erupted because the guy who was killed was afraid of the ATV being conviscated and paying a few fines, and I don't care what the Troopers say, I think that cop thought it might have been Ralph "Bucky" Phillips (for those that don't know, he is an escaped con who allegedly shot a State Trooper).
I blame the ATV rider because he initiated the situation by running while there was a man-hunt for a convict who reportedly stole an ATV. I may be totally wrong because I was not there and do not know all the information(you living out that way and may know a lot more that I do) but this is just my opinion on it. No matter what it was just a terrible tragedy all around.
   / Why Run? #37  
Be careful what you say about that trooper. We were not their to judge his actions..
   / Why Run? #39  
LBrown59 said:
Accuracy not guaranteed while being dragged along by an ATV,

Police in these parts are instructed NOT to fire warning shots. If a situation warrants using a gun, it's "shoot with intent to stop perpetrator". In other words, hit the target or keep the gun holstered. A good friend, who is a cop, had to use deadly force on a subject (about 5 years ago) He did what he was taught at the Police Academy. 3 shots in rapid succession, directly at the criminals chest. He was chastized by the public until the final report was released. It was only then that the public found out the subject was carrying a Glock 9mm under his coat.He was reaching for it when Terry shot first. The entire episode took place when the subject was trying to get into his ex-wife's car. (at her place of employment) My friend is still tormented by what he was forced to do.

Point being, don't put a cop in the position where he needs to make that split second decision, and he won't make it, right OR wrong. (Because they will defend themselves)

And as I'm typing away, I see a neighbors kid going down our road on a Honda 4-wheeler. Me opinion there? Where's the parents when they need to be teaching their kids right from wrong.

Respect, responsibility, and common decentcy are lost on our next generation.
   / Why Run? #40  
Were are the parents? Well, if they are people two doors down they are racing their four wheelers up and down our street with nothing but short shorts on (male individual, not a sight you want)....

The kid is trying to keep up on his mini motorcycle.... Also not wearing safety gear...

My neighbors and I believe in Darwin, so we are waiting....

Sometimes he keeps it on his property.... Vroom, errr (stop), vrom, err, vroom, err... Yep racing a four wheeler 125' forward, stop , turn around, race back, turn around....

How does guy have a job that pays enough for him to live near me?