Will UAW Strike?

   / Will UAW Strike? #761  
The wages are phased in depending on the type of facility. Some don't see the $25 rate till 2033, till then the minimum is $18. And everyone is covered, regular employee or contracted staff.

(2) (A) “Covered health care employee” means any of the following:

(i) An employee of a health care facility employer who provides patient care, health care services, or services supporting the provision of health care, which includes, but is not limited to, employees performing work in the occupation of a nurse, physician, caregiver, medical resident, intern or fellow, patient care technician, janitor, housekeeping staff person, groundskeeper, guard, clerical worker, nonmanagerial administrative worker, food service worker, gift shop worker, technical and ancillary services worker, medical coding and medical billing personnel, scheduler, call center and warehouse worker, and laundry worker, regardless of formal job title.

(ii) A contracted or subcontracted employee described in subparagraph (B).

(B) “Covered health care employee” includes a contracted or subcontracted employee, if all of the following apply:

(i) The employee’s employer contracts with the health care facility employer, or with a contractor or subcontractor to the health care facility employer, to provide health care services, or services supporting the provision of health care.

(ii) The health care facility employer directly or indirectly, or through an agent or any other person, exercises control over the employee’s wages, hours or working conditions. However, “covered health care employee” includes all employees performing contracted or subcontracted work primarily on the premises of a health care facility to provide health care services or services supporting the provision of health care.
   / Will UAW Strike? #762  
We have lots of work contracted from weekly landscaping to dietitian to janitors that clean offices leased to Doctors and Labs...

The provision I read today has a 3 year phase in to $25 and the annual adjustment tied to inflation index.
   / Will UAW Strike? #763  
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   / Will UAW Strike? #764  
SB 525 (Durazo) will establish a statewide healthcare worker minimum wage of $25/hour by raising wages:
  • At large public and private health facility employers and dialysis clinics to $23/hour in 2024, $24/hour in 2025, and $25 in 2026.
  • At public and private hospitals with a high governmental-payer mix, rural independent hospitals, and small county facilities, to $18/hour in 2024, and goes up at 3.5% until it reaches $25 in 2033.
  • At community clinics to $21/hour in 2024, $22 in 2026 and $25 in 2027
  • At other covered health facilities to $21/hour in 2024, $23 in 2026 and $25 by 2028
“Today’s bill signing marks a historic investment in the people who make health care possible and shape patients’ experience of care. We are medical assistants, housekeepers, nutrition workers, and more, and everyday we see the impact of our state’s healthcare shortage on patients ,” stated Mauricio Medina, Unit Secretary at Southern California Hospital in Hollywood. “Workers standing together across all parts of the healthcare system are making sure that care is more accessible and equitable for all, and I’m grateful that Gov. Newsom stands with us. ”
“I am thankful to Governor Newsom and state legislators for listening to workers on the frontlines of healthcare and responding with worker-led solutions that make care better for our patients,” stated Lakeisha Gant, Medical Assistant at Families Together of Orange County. “Investing in healthcare workers will allow more of us to live in the communities that we serve, where we share the experiences, language, and culture of our patients. This new law invests in women workers and workers of color and says we are valued.
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   / Will UAW Strike? #766  
Truth. Why break your back to make $20 an hour in a factory when you can flip burgers for the same money
   / Will UAW Strike? #767  
...and the viscous circle of inflation reactions continue... Pretty soon everyone will be making 50 bucks an hour and everything will cost substantially more, so no one wins.
Upward spiral because legislating private sector pay is trending towards carve outs that will require new compliance specialists just to track.

Big or small, affiliated or stand alone, payer mix, etc. all factors.

Annual raises will be by law going forward...

Many healthcare jobs are not practical to automate and only so much can be off shored.

In essence the state is dictating what were the traditional roles of collective bargaining and supply/demand.

Maybe the UAW just needs friends in the statehouse to mandate wages and benefits and strikes will be a thing of the past?
   / Will UAW Strike? #768  
Money would go further if the g hadn't devalued it by spending so much on counterproductive things and then overruling freedom of economic choice by regulations and legislation. Then the average guy thinks he's getting something when they pass these things instead of realizing who eroded the value of his earnings to begin with.
   / Will UAW Strike? #769  
As a junior in high school I can remember the minimum wage being $3.35 per hour and I had a job at a dairy doing everything farm related except milking, but my real money maker was in other things such as tobacco, we got $25.00 a piece per barn for every bulk barn of tobacco that we cropped racked and put in the barn and we would do 3 barns a day 2 days out of the week , there was 8 of us , a mix of us local farm boys and a couple of older men who would tend to bend their elbows a bit much and couldn't hold a full time job, when we weren't doing that we would be picking up square bales of hay and stacking it under a barn, picking cucumbers for .25 per 5/8 bushel basket etc, etc. Doing these things kept me busy and I was able to buy my first truck a 1978 Ford SWB 4x4 , pay the insurance on it, keep it full of .74 cent per gallon gas and always had money leftover and in my pocket for my vices like my coon dogs and hog dogs, I said all that to say it's almost impossible today for a kid in junior high to be that self sufficient without some financial help getting started, Merle Haggards song
"Are the good times really over for good" well they are.
   / Will UAW Strike? #770  
Agree to all that is said but would like to add a few on the other side.

I have four nieces now in college.

In High School they did well...

Two received swimming scholarships to university and both at age 16 were earning $40 an hour giving child safety water courses and swim lessons.

They had all their certificates in lifesaving, red cross etc and the program operated as a summer water safety through the city park department.

Parents would sign up for $20 per half hour lessons for the kids.

The oldest was hired for a season at her old highschool to coach swimming... she was only older by 2 years some of her kids but the school needed someone and she was able to jump in... she enjoyed being "Faculty" and some teachers thought she was still a student at the high school with 3,000 kids.

The non athletes had pretty good baby sitting gigs... they would do some light housework, entertain kids and allowed to do homework on the clock...

There can be opportunities for this motivated and reliable.

My brother has ranch work and hires seasonally for the Christmas Tree Farm... he pays fully on the books but the high school kids make more in tips from Thanksgiving to Christmas...