Work in progress, office/Storm shelter...

   / Work in progress, office/Storm shelter... #23  
Chuck k. Did you build the lavatory cabinet yourself or buy it? I built one that looks exactly like it a few years back, I also built a medicine cabinet but it has three mirrored doors. I hope your health improves.
   / Work in progress, office/Storm shelter...
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Chuck k. Did you build the lavatory cabinet yourself or buy it? I built one that looks exactly like it a few years back, I also built a medicine cabinet but it has three mirrored doors. I hope your health improves.

Thank you Toy.. No I actually bought it at Home Depot along with the medicine cabinet they a not of the best construction. I am considering building a new medicine cabinet out of the cedar pickets and using the mirrored door.

The small space to the right of the lavatory I have some ideas of building a open type multi-shelved thing-a-ma-bob to store towels, wash clothes etc. but I not a carpenter by any far stretch of the imagination so I am lookin around on the net for some ideas..
   / Work in progress, office/Storm shelter... #25  
Chuck K the cabinet that I built was solid oak with raised panels, The medicine cabinet that I built comes out from the wall the distance of a normal medicine cabinet but the center section I made it to extend back into the studs in the wall which gave it depth for longer items. I also built a cabinet that sits around the commode, the first shelf sits just above the water tank but I can remove it if I need to work on the tank. The wife puts trinkets on that shelf, then above that I made the cabinet with doors and it runs almost to the ceiling just leaving enough room for a flower or whatever trinket she has on it. I made the commode cabinet so I could slide it out to work on the water supply lines, but that was unnecessary because I have worked on it without sliding it out. I mentioned the commode cabinet because that is an area of a lot of wasted space, something that you might want to add to your shelter.
   / Work in progress, office/Storm shelter... #26  
Hey don't feel bad about the nail gun leak. When I redid our bathroom (moved it 15' in a slab home) everything seemed to be going well. Then my dad came out of the bathroom the day after I got the toilet functional and asked when we moved up in society. I said "what the heck are you talking about" and then dad said that only rich people have heated toilets. He could barely get the words out because he was laughing so hard. Yep, I had plumbed in hot water to the toilet! Luckily I had not started tiling the walls yet, and could just undo the hardy backer and redo the plumbing. These things happen.
   / Work in progress, office/Storm shelter...
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Toy I suppose great minds think alike? I have already built a very simple cabinet to go above the toilet. I am still getting use to the table saw so I again used cedar fence pickets, they are cheap and keep the rustic look. Do post some pics of your cabinet but it sounds as if it is above my carpentry skills:D

OKnewguy, heated toliet? now that is a good one but like you said, "stuff happens" glad you did not already have it all tiled up...
   / Work in progress, office/Storm shelter... #28  
I think you were ahead (no pun intended....really) of your time. I have seen houses that have hot water recirculators tie the toilet into the hot instead of the cold. It supposedly cuts down the condensation problem on the tank.

Just be sure to get up BEFORE you fluch just in case!
   / Work in progress, office/Storm shelter... #29  
I was adding a sauna to our basement bathroom. I needed to remove all dryval from floor to about 7ft. I used a jig saw to cut it and while doing it I cut hot water pipe exctly when my wife was taking shower in another bathroom. It started spraying out of the wall. When I shut of the main water valve I heard this loud scream from upstairs. She was all soaped up when the water stopped. It took me few minutes to wrap some duct tape over it and hold it by hand while my daughter opened the water so my wife could finish showering.

Another time I wanted to instal a recesed light in our family room. I cut the opening and looked up. Right there was a water pipe just few inches above the ceiling. Had to buy a halogen light with a base larger than the hole to cover it up.