Worn Steering Linkage

   / Worn Steering Linkage
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Well today is the day, I have the parts needed to replace the inner ball joint. I am in hopes of getting the outer ball joint off the casting without damaging it. I am going to have my son hold a sledge hammer against the back of the casting while I smack it from the front w/a 3 lb hammer. They tell me you can hit the casting quite hard while doing this but I am afraid of busting the casting that holds the outer ball joint. I will count the turns when / if I can get the pieces apart so I can re-install them to the same orientation they are in now.
   / Worn Steering Linkage
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Well just now getting in for the day. The ball joint change only took about 15 min no issues at all. I hit the casting like I was driving a 30 penny spike and she popped right up and out.
After I got it back together, I took the bush hog for one last spin for this year hogged about 15 acres. Then I came back and removed the hog and put on the concrete counter weight. Then I changed the engine oil and filter washed the radiator pre screen and the radiator itself to get the hay chaff out of it. Done for the day lots of good things accomplished.
   / Worn Steering Linkage #24  
I do like a story with a happy ending.
Well done Jeff.
   / Worn Steering Linkage #25  
Sounds good ! ;-)
   / Worn Steering Linkage
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I did do one thing I have never done before beside the ball joint repair. I was in the middle of draining the oil for the change and had some guy stop by. I had put 2 ever start Walmart batteries out by the road for free scrap earlier in the day. Anyway this guy stops to load the batteries and calls to me by name " thanks Jeff" I say sure thing have a good day and he left. I have no idea who it was?
Now its time to put on the new filter and write the change date on it . So I do that then get the oil and start pouring in. I get about a 1/2 quart in an realized hey I never put the drain plugs back in so I scoot under and hunt madly for the plugs as my new oil begins to run out ha ha never forgot them before must be old age.
   / Worn Steering Linkage #27  
Very bad design on the boots with no protection, and even worse if you cant buy just the boots. Tore my first one at 40 hrs. The other side made it to about 75. Would be so simple if they had done some sort of heim joints. You can get tapered adapters to get rid of tapered tie rod ends if they will line up.