X-310, dead. No clicks.

   / X-310, dead. No clicks. #1  


New member
Apr 10, 2024
John Deere X-310
Battery fully charged. No clicks when key is turned on. No headlights. No power to solenoid.
Is this a bad ECM?
   / X-310, dead. No clicks. #2  
Welcome to TBN
Have you cleaned the battery cables both ends? Then have you load tested the battery? Checked that mice have not nested and eaten wires? Ignition switch checks out okay?

Or "what have you checked out already"? And is this first try after winter storage?

Need a reason you are thinking ECM.

   / X-310, dead. No clicks. #3  
Not sure but doubtful ECM would have any affect on head lights so like been there states check battery connections, make sure cables are connected to correct posts, check frame ground connection, etc.
   / X-310, dead. No clicks. #4  
When you say that the battery is fully charged, did you actually take a voltage reading (just to be absolutely sure).

As Oldnslo says above, check all connections - wiggle them, etc.

Are there safety switches on it? If there are, one of them may be defective (like a broken wire). That happened to me on my zero turn.

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