Yellow Jacket Nest!!!

   / Yellow Jacket Nest!!! #11  
Thats not a yellow jacket nest.The picture was taken in British Colombia Canada, It is a magic mushroom. LOL
   / Yellow Jacket Nest!!! #12  
That's when I hit my yellow jacket nest also at dusk. If it was earlier int he day i would have seen them coming in and out of their nest. Beause it was at dusk they were all tucked in for the night and then gave me quite the surprise.
   / Yellow Jacket Nest!!! #13  
Doesn't look like a yellow jacket nest to me. They look similar but are either IN the ground or IN something else like a bail of hay. Been stung 6 times this year and about 30 last year. Both times from running over the nest with a lawnmower. My typical way to handle them is to pour gasoline down the hole and smile as I light a match :)
   / Yellow Jacket Nest!!! #14  
When I was a stupid kid and didn't know any better I found a Yellow Jacket nest in my Grandmother's back yard. I got a Bad-mitten racket and started whacking them as they flew out of the ground hole. I was doing a great job and knocked the bajeebees out of every one that flew out (smiling from ear to ear). What I haden't counted on were the ones coming back to the nest that knocked the bajeebees out of me. Man the thought still smarts! :rolleyes:
   / Yellow Jacket Nest!!! #15  

I can picture the entire event in my mind, and the best part is when you realize that your in trouble!!!

Thanks for the laugh,
   / Yellow Jacket Nest!!! #16  
Eddie I can think back now and laugh about it too.

But I also remember that just one little Yellow-Jacket can sting you many times. :eek:
   / Yellow Jacket Nest!!! #17  
I work at a lawncare company and we never run into ground bees on properties we care for. The explanation is that our chemical apps keep them away.

Seems to make sense. I have a decent sized yard and I fert and apply spotspray for broadleaf. Never had bees. The parents house had them when growing up and they never treated it.