I have a BAT IN HOUSE Can't hit him. He is always on ceiling How do I get him to go?

   / I have a BAT IN HOUSE Can't hit him. He is always on ceiling How do I get him to go? #41  
Had one in my house that I assume came in through the wood stove (summer).
Flying circles around the living room.
Would stop and hang from the stucco ceiling.
Opened patio door, but he wasn't having that.
Every time he stopped and hung I hit him with water from a squirt bottle.
He finally started huffing and puffing when he stopped and hung. That's when I got
the fish net out and put him outside.
Took about ten minutes to tire him out.
I have no problem with anything that eats that many bugs.

P.S. I did do a kind of full spine shiver when it felt it brush past my face coming around a corner.
Never even thought of rabies.
   / I have a BAT IN HOUSE Can't hit him. He is always on ceiling How do I get him to go? #42  
In Australia all bats are protected by law, both cave dwelling bats and forest bats. They are a really critical insect eating species which is in serious decline in many areas. Bat Conservation International has lots of useful info. The National Speleological Society in your US also does a lot of bat conservation advocacy and work.

We had one in our farm house a couple of times and they certainly gave us the run around when we tried to catch it with a towel. They are so dammed fast. We were puffed afterwards. But we caught it carefully and let it go.

Fortunately we don't have rabies here but there are other diseases we could get from them (lyssaviruses) so its is critical not to get bitten. As a caver I'm also careful about areas that contain dry dust bat guano which can be inhaled.
