Rifle rack for tractor

   / Rifle rack for tractor #11  
Another view of the case and mounting base.


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   / Rifle rack for tractor #12  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Also makes you wonder what the game warden was doing on that guy's private property? What prompted that? )</font> Depending on the state it wouldn't tak much. Here in IL simply seeing an uncased gun on a moving motorized vehicle is enough. A phone call can make it happen too. Hearing the tractor idle down , a shot , then rev back up could raise suspicion also.

Not too long ago some guys were riding on another guys combine shooting rabbits and quail. The Game warden saw them, gave tickets all around, guns confiscated and the combine was confiscated.

The short of it is, be aware of local laws, your neighbors and your visibility to passers-by before putting a gun rack on your machine.
   / Rifle rack for tractor #13  
My property is very secluded and requires access to a private road and then onto my private drive. I didn't think about those who are visible on their property. I only have 1 neighbor and he knows I shoot on the property (as he does). The rest borders the BLM. I don't hunt or shoot from the tractor either, but I don't suppose the law makes that distinction.

It's a good point about a loaded gun and vehicles and worth investigating in your area.

Years ago I was hunting deer in CA. We were camped in the hunting area and drove down a trail away from camp. We were stopped by a game warden checking for license and tags. I had 3 rounds in the magazine ... non in the chamber. He said that was OK back then in 1968, as being a loaded gun required having a round in the chamber. I wonder if it still is now?
   / Rifle rack for tractor #14  
Confiscated a combine, that had to make someone mad! My understanding is that game wardens have some powers that are greater than most law enforcement officers. Entering your private property is well with in their scope of power.

   / Rifle rack for tractor #15  
I know in TN the state game & park rangers have the most broad law enforcement powers of any LEO's. Their jurisdiction is defined only by the state borders and their law enforcement powers include everything that state troopers can ticket for plus the game regulations. You simply don't mess around with them...
   / Rifle rack for tractor #16  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( where someone was ticketed by the game warden for having a loaded gun on their tractor. They were on their own land and the ticket was for having a loaded gun on a motorized vehicle )</font>

Wow.. where was that ( not in the usa I guess huh? ).. do they not have the 2nd amendment where that guy lives. I can't think of a reason why you couldn't carry a gun openly on your own property.... If I lived in a place like that.. I'd move!

   / Rifle rack for tractor #18  
I read that entire thread and am puzzled by the fact a game warden's jurisdiction includes "safety" separate from DFG matters. That is, nothing to do with game, hunting or fishing? Also that he was not called in to assist or aid police in some criminal action or search.

As that thread plays out, it becomes apparant he probably had more reason to be there (because of his suspicions of game being taken illegally.) However, if his sole reason was for "safety" as he said, and not in direct violation of any game laws, I can't see him enforcing that and getting away with it if the matter was pursued. Now if he would have said he was there because he thought the loaded gun may be for taking game, violating a game rule, that would make more sense to me.
   / Rifle rack for tractor #19  
I remember reading that thread as well. I can certainly see it from both sides. I'd be careful how I mounted it. Maybe not put where everyone can see it from a distance. My 10-22 would be great cuz I can slam a magazine in quick and not even have it in the gun much less a round in the chamber. The there is no gray area if it is loaded or unloaded. Magazine is in my pocket or a cupholder or whereever.... obviously this does not work for all guns but.... an excuse to buy a different one for sure.. Can we all say Mini-14? /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / Rifle rack for tractor
  • Thread Starter
Regarding carry of a weapon in / on a motor vehicle....
I have Concealed carry permits from several states. I can lawfully carry a loaded weapon in any state that has issued me a permit...driving, walking or skipping...loaded or unloaded. I don't think the game warden can do anything about it. I'd probably be polite if questioned...unless it was my own land. Then I'd probably be rather rude.
FYI, in NC one can carry a loaded weapon on their own land without a permit or permission from the .gov.
Even while under the influance of booze.
Some states are "free-er" than others.