Tractor gun, what do you guys think?

   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #161  
I'm an outdoors man and have guns but when I am on my tractor I am working. I can not see why a gun is needed unless you drive your tractor in Iraq.

I am a retired State Parole Officer and live in the area where I worked, so I often see people I put in prison or their families. On one occasion, I ran into a couple of people coming out of my property who had been harvesting Ginseng. I detained them until a deputy could arrive. Both had criminal records and one was on parole. I routinely have people trespassing on my property who are often armed. My son who is a Police Officer was assaulted in my barn. We also have feral dogs in my area and an increase in feral hogs as well as coyotes. I don't drive my tractor in Iraq, but still feel a little better when I am armed.
   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #162  
Obviously some folks desire to carry firearms while on a tractor, some do not, and some would like to, but feel it is not safe. Neither of these are wrong, it's whatever YOU want for your particular situation. Basically, if you want to have a firearm with you - take one, if you do not want one with you - do not take one, if you would like to, but don't like the added safety concerns, take one and keep ammo at hand and load when you are ready to use it (which is better than not having one at all). You could also use clip-fed model and only chamber a round when needed, which can be done fast enough to suit most needs. Anyone choosing to take firearms anywhere should always remember that there are laws pertaining to proper storage of firearms for safety of children which would probably also apply to trucks, tractors, sheds, etc..., so you may want to be sure firearms is always under watchful eyes - for instance, you stop for a minute to run inside the barn to grab something, or make a phone call, or stop to pee - neighbors kids are visiting, sees the firearm(s) and says "neat" and tinkers with it - you just never know...

All very good advice which is covered in any good concealed carry course. I highly recommend such a course for anyone who carries/owns a weapon for self defense whether they will actually carry concealed. At the very minimum, become familiar with your state statutes.
   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #163  
Good advice TripleR - there are a lot of people that have their mind set that they know all there is to know about firearms & safety - such classes would reveal the reality that we all (no matter how much training) have room for improvement, or just may learn something new.
   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #164  
Depends on where you live. The people I knew who carried a gun on a tractor did it for coyotes and feral hogs.

Add cotton mouths to that list!
   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #165  
And foxes with rabies too
   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #166  
Taurus Judge using Winchester PDX1 1; Guinea eating great plains rat snake 0
   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #167  
Sounds like places a fellow should be wearing armour and have his tractor plated for protection.:)
   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #168  
Why shoot a rat snake?
They're "friendlies" around here.
   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #169  
Why shoot a rat snake?
They're "friendlies" around here. guns, but sure wouldn't kill a critter just to kill it...especially a critter that eats pests.
   / Tractor gun, what do you guys think? #170  
If I am up I have mine on me and I choose to carry a Glock 19. The way the meth heads are around here, it is foolish to be without a gun. But the gun is only part of the equation. I am a big believer in quality training, I give it and I go to others to receive it regularly.