Massey Harris 50 4.70 star(s) (3)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Massey Harris 50.
Vintage Tractors

About the Massey Harris 50

Massey Harris 50 Discussions (10)

Here are the most recent 50 topics from our community.
  1. S

    Massey Harris 50 tractormeter

    Hello, This is my first post on this forum. I have a MH 50 with the continental gas engine. A prior owner replaced the original generator set up with an alternator. I am trying to restore the...
  2. A

    Massey Harris 50 PTO

    I recently purchased a Massey Harris 50, the same as a Massey Ferguson 50 just manufactured when they were still using the Harris name. My question is as follows: My tractor has the single stage...
  3. G

    Massey Harris 50 spindles

    I am in need of left and right spindles for my 1956 massey harris 50 one spindle has stripped threads and the other looks as if it has been welded in the years past around the top where it goes...
  4. R

    Massey Harris 50 problem...

    I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with this tractor. Symptoms: Engine starts; runs for 30sec-1min. then shuts down and will not start. After 40 minutes to 1 hour the machine will start again...
  5. R

    Massey Harris 50 Hydraulics quit

    I think I've got a major problem with hydraulics on a Massey Harris 50. Tractor has 3 point hitch and loader. When it happened: I'd already moved a few things around the yard using 3 point hitch...
  6. T

    Massey Harris 50

    Hi, I am having a problem with a MH 50 tractor. it is a gas engined old gal and still pretty good for its age. But I can operate the loader quite well but when I isolate out the lift on the back...
  7. B

    Loader Massey Harris 50 Loader question

    Hello all, I have been browsing the net for days now trying to find information on a Massey Harris 50 gas tractor. I am really close to buying it, there is just one hang-up I have that I would...
  8. C

    New guy, qeustions about my Massey Harris 50

    I recently bought a Massey Harris 50 with turf tires that had been used to mow grass at a church summer camp. It has 3800 hours on the tach. The rear wheels have weights. There is a bolt broken...
  9. L

    Massey Harris 50 throttle Linkage

    My MH 50 throttle does not let the engine rev up very high. it was operating perfectly, I shut it off and was unresponsive when restarted it 5 minutes later. Engine will rev if I open the throttle...
  10. R

    Massey Harris 50 - Hydraulics

    There I was...thought I had winter licked. Picked up a blower, blade and had a dependable gas tractor to get me through. I was moving implements around the yard and things seemed OK..until I was...
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User Reviews (3)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Massey Harris 50 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

50 Massey Harris
2nd Tractor- 1st with a Loader
Model Year: 1956

Great deal on tractor, had bad shifter fork in 1st and reverse, split tractor and repaired, 1st time doing this and it now has me hooked, my first tractor is a 9n Ford, will be upgrading to a 12 volt system in the near future.

Pros: Great power.
Cons: Not power steering.

5.00 star(s)

50 Massey Harris
1956 Massey Harris 50
Model Year: 1956

Proud of my family's Massey Harris. Father bought this tractor about 12 years ago. Needs a few mechanical and appearance repairs. An oldie but a goody.

Pros: An excellent designed tractor.
Cons: Hydraulic issues, soon to be repaired.

4.00 star(s)

50 Massey Harris
Massey Harris 50
Model Year: 1956

This tractor was a gift and I use it every other day. Runs like the top, had to adjust carb when I got it but that has been it!

Pros: Reliable.
Cons: Need to add hydraulics.

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Massey Harris 50 Owner Pages

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Massey Harris 50 Community Rankings

#36 user rating of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#121 Viewed of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#36 discussed of 679 Vintage Tractors items
#788 user rating of 19624 items overall
#1533 Viewed of 19624 items overall
#805 discussed of 19624 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19624 items overall