Kubota B3350 3.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Kubota B3350.
25-50 HP Tractors

About the Kubota B3350

Kubota B3350 Discussions (32)

Here are the most recent B3350 topics from our community.
  1. L

    Kubota B3350 tractor regeneration problems

    I am new to this forum. I bought a 2014 Kubota B3350 tractor in May, 2014. As of this date, I have under 50 hours on this tractor, and the dealer has had it for a significant amount of time for...
  2. B

    Kubota B3350 or B26TLB

    Hi - considering purchasing a tractor for the first time, looking for a unit with a loader and backhoe. Can someone help me understand why I would purchase the B26TLB over a B3350 with a loader...
  3. 2

    Buying Advice Kubota B3350

    Hey guys new member here and soon to be first time tractor owner. My local dealer just got a B3350 in stock and I am hoping some of you guys can help out with a couple of questions. I was quoted...
  4. Beauly

    Under construction: B3350SU

    So after lurking here for many months, I last week placed an order for a B3350SU, from my local dealer. Went in today to sign paperwork etc, and take a look at progress on the tractor. As I am...
  5. Emptypocketfarms

    JD790 vs Kubota B3350

    Hey guys/gals, this is my first post. I’ve creeped for a long time, but have finally felt the need to ask for everyones help. I am looking into buying a 2014 Kubota B3350, I have read all of the...
  6. robstaples

    I can't believe I broke my new machine-- Kubota B3350

    Brand new machine bent already. I have a prince type pto hydraulic pump that hangs on the rear 6 spline pto shaft of the tractor. I had used it before on my L39 for my front quick attach hydr...
  7. K

    Kubota B3350 wont start.

    My dad started his 2018 Kubota B3350 and drove it out of the barn, it was starting to run rough, then the low oil pressure alarm came on. Then the tractor died. It wont start up now. It'll crank...
  8. J

    Kubota B3350, Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Regeneration Issues.

    I have a Kubota B3350, which has the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) that has to be parked and regenerated too often. Has anybody out there had any luck with removing or disengaging the DPF? I...
  9. T

    Buying Advice Yanmar Ex3200 verse kubota B3350, L3200 or?

    I have been researching tractors to purchase and continue to be directed to TBN and have found the posts very helpful so I thought I would join and see what you all had to tell me. I have a 2...
  10. S

    B3350SU vs L3301 vs L3901

    I am a new member of this site, and I'm in the market for a tractor. I have a rocky, hilly 2.5 acre field to care for (either brush hog a couple times a year or grade so I can use my zero turn up...
  11. 2

    My Kubota B3350!

    2 days and 1000 miles later I am finally home with my B3350! I only drove it around the lot and into the trailer so I can't comment on it very much other than it looks very nice! I will update...
  12. Verdemont

    Kubota B3350 - Turbo Diesel or Not?

    I've seen several references to the new B3350 diesel engine being turbo charged. My dealer says it is not. I did a close inspection and could not see a turbo anywhere but it is tight under the...
  13. B

    Kubota B3350.......any idea when they are going to be available?

    Seems like anytime I mention this model the dealer clams up. What is the rumors out there about the new Kubota B3350??:confused:
  14. RGAZ

    B3350SU Regen issues continue

    Team of experts! Love my 2015 model Kubota B3350SU, hate the issues I am having with regen. Read on if you think you can help... I dropped this question into another thread on tips and tricks...
  15. Cahaba Valley Farm

    Kubota B3350 Asking Prices

    Can anyone explain to me what the logic is that people are actually trying to sell B3350's for the prices they are listed for on Tractor House...
  16. VaughnB

    Kubota B3350

    Friend of mine has just purchased a B 3350 they were mainly just idling the engine a lot using it around the yard and it went into regenerate cycle then parked regenerate and the warning lights...
  17. F

    Used Construction TLB vs. smaller, newer 'farm' models (Kubota B3350, Kioti CK3010)

    Greetings, I am looking for a machine next year to tackle a number of chores on (my) residential 2 acre projerty. This will include projects such as building a patio, and creating a small...
  18. S

    Kubota B3350 12 V inside power connector??

    Q: what power plug fits the connector inside the cub under the coffee cup holder and where can I get it. I want to install a back up camera and I have read the great thread started by 94builitt...
  19. Jethro Bodine

    Kubota B3350 Regen and stalling problems.

    I own a 2018 Kubota B3350. It has 86hrs on it. It has had Regen problems since day one. It suppose to only go into Regen ever 20 or 30hrs depending on how it's being used. My tractor has gone into...
  20. K

    Kubota B3350 issues?

    Have the regen issues on this tractor been sorted out on the new ones, or are they still a problem?
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User Reviews (1)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Kubota B3350 Subcompact Tractor
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3.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

B3350 Kubota
DPF/Regen Woes
Model Year: 2016

It's been an ongoing problem with my machine since it was purchased. It's always the same issue with the DPF and regen. Other than that, I like the machine when it does what it's supposed to do. The machine has been back at the dealership numerous times at a cost of $1,000.00+ each time just for transportation.

Pros: Overall, good product
Cons: After all the years, there are still the ongoing DPF and regen issues

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Kubota B3350 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Kubota B3350s

Kubota B3350 Community Rankings

#773 user rating of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#37 Viewed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#189 discussed of 2355 25-50 HP Tractors items
#2206 user rating of 19625 items overall
#79 Viewed of 19625 items overall
#426 discussed of 19625 items overall
#9 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19625 items overall