LS Tractor LSP7040S 3.50 star(s) (2)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the LS Tractor LSP7040S.
50-100 HP Tractors

About the LS Tractor LSP7040S

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User Reviews (2)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the LS Tractor LSP7040S Subcompact Tractor
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2.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

LSP7040S LS Tractor
Air Conditioner
Model Year: 0

We bought this tractor new so we would not have so much trouble in the hot weather to work on it if things went wrong. Well in July 2012 the air conditioner went bad. We had to pay to get it hauled to the dealership to get it fixed. Then June 2013 a hydraulic hose busted and had to get it fixed a hydraulic fluid replaced. Now June 2013 the air conditioner blows up again. Now we have to pay to get someone to haul it to the dealership again. I would not recommend it to anyone. This brand in new in our part of the county and people is asking about it. The summer is used to cutting hay and winter for feeding hay to the cows. It has not been used that much.

Pros: Nice looking tractor.
Cons: Everything falls apart.

5.00 star(s)
Anonymous Poster

LSP7040S LS Tractor
LS 7040 Shuttle Shift
Model Year: 0

I think of LS as a good tractor but don't care much for the dealer they have in (location removed). I had the dealer call me, yes call me, to let me know he wouldn't warranty or service it because I purchased it from another dealer. I will be trading it off for a John Deere, you can count on it.

Pros: Good Equipment
Cons: Might have trouble finding someone to work on it because you didn't buy it at the right place

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LS Tractor LSP7040S Owner Pages

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LS Tractor LSP7040S Community Rankings

#329 user rating of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#765 Viewed of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#2 discussed of 1508 50-100 HP Tractors items
#2134 user rating of 27027 items overall
#4630 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#61 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall