Mitsubishi D1550 5.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Mitsubishi D1550.
Under 25 HP Tractors

About the Mitsubishi D1550

Mitsubishi D1550 Discussions (3)

Here are the most recent D1550 topics from our community.
  1. S

    Mitsubishi D1550 PTO Speeds

    HI I have have a Mitsubishi D1550 tractor, it has a 3 cylinder engine 6Fwd 2Rev transmision. The PTO has 3 speeds can any some one advise what the speed ranges are, as I only have an RPM clock...
  2. S

    Mitsubishi D1550 PTO Over-run Clutch

    Does the D1550 have an over-run clutch on the PTO Shaft?
  3. S

    Mitsubishi D1550 Manual & Age Question

    Hi All, Where could I locate a manual for this tractor? Any Idea on how old it could be? Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
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User Reviews (1)

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D1550 Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi D1550FD
Model Year: 1980

This little tractor is an amazing piece of machinery. Initially bought to slash reeds, bracken and tea-tree it has done a sterling job. It is light and on our swampy parts can get across places you wouldn't believe. The only problem has been that on occasions the slasher dragged the tractor down. The only problem was the weight of the slasher made the front end 'float' - a few weights off a larger tractor made a difference. With the bolt on front collar it was possible to make an 'extension' bracket to carry the weights forward of the collar. About five years ago I added a front end loader with a four way bucket. This additional weight has made the slasher more stable. To connect the hydraulics it was a case of cutting the pipe as it turned from under the seat and went down the side of the gearbox. One line went across to the loader levers and the return line came back to feed back to the gearbox casing. IE: cut the line, pipe to controls and return pipe to tube to complete the circuit. The power drag is noticeable however as the engine now has little in reserve having to run the loader as well as the three point linkage. With care it is still fine. Even on the hot days here (90-100degrees F) it ticks along nicely. I have had a new radiator built as the last one had corroded tanks. Filled with coolant rather than water it works really well for a machine with no speed to force air over the cooling surface - depending only on the shroud and fan to move the air. For a machine that is thirty years old it is unbelievable. As tough as old boots and just as reliable.

Pros: light, strong frame doesn't twist, cooling system, engine, FWD is unbelievable - I've towed a Mazda E2200 van with a trailer loaded with over a ton of sand up my gravel driveway when the van spun its wheels.
Cons: lacks horsepower for hydraulics to run attachments on the machine (loader and slasher)

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Mitsubishi D1550 Owner Pages

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Mitsubishi D1550 Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#94 Viewed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#178 discussed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 19625 items overall
#753 Viewed of 19625 items overall
#1264 discussed of 19625 items overall
#8 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 19625 items overall