New Holland TM175 1.00 star(s) (1)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the New Holland TM175.
100-200 HP Tractors

About the New Holland TM175

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User Reviews (1)

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TM175 New Holland
TM 175 poor
Model Year: 2002

Do not buy a New Holland TM 175. We got ours and for the first year we were broke down every week. They sent out a tractor to use while ours was being fixed and until they could keep ours running. We put more hours on the other tractor in 6 months than ours. I run a large cattle feedlot so I need dependability. After one and a half years they gave a new one and took the other back. When we bought tractor we got the extended warranty and they forgot at the dealership to send that in to New Holland so we lost it and New Holland said not their problem and would not talk to us. I will never buy a New Holland, am going back to John Deere.

Pros: None.
Cons: Electric overheats, starter , battery, & parts.

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New Holland TM175 Owner Pages

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New Holland TM175 Community Rankings

#75 user rating of 1114 100-200 HP Tractors items
#179 Viewed of 1114 100-200 HP Tractors items
#1 discussed of 1114 100-200 HP Tractors items
#2441 user rating of 27027 items overall
#2883 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#61 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall