Yanmar YANMAR2010 4.70 star(s) (3)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Yanmar YANMAR2010.
Under 25 HP Tractors

About the Yanmar YANMAR2010

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4.00 star(s)

YANMAR2010 Yanmar
My Experience with the Yanmar 2010.
Model Year: 0

Overall, I have been happy with this tractor. It is easy to operate and runs strong. I don't farm with it but do a number of projects on our property. Living in eastern Washington, we can get accumulations of 2-3 feet of snow from Nov. to March, so snow removal in its number 1 use. Because it is 2-wheel drive, traction has been an issue, especially on ice. Even on dry ground, traction is significantly decreased when the rather large front bucket is loaded. I have filled the back tires with calcium and run chains in the winter. When the drive wheels spin, the chains slip between the cleats on the tires, so the chains are then ineffective. I would like any suggestions with a remedy for the chains issue, as well as adding weight to the rear of the tractor (without removing the rear blade). As a footnote, I was looking for a 4-wheel drive tractor when I initially went shopping. The salesman told me that a 2-wheel would be adequate if my property wasn't hilly. Since I grew up in the Palouse Country of eastern Washington, where hills can be steep and massive, the gentle rolling knobs where I currently live weren't really "hills"! It doesn't take much of an incline to shift the center of gravity and greatly reduce traction.

Pros: Ease of use, reliability.
Cons: Traction.

5.00 star(s)

YANMAR2010 Yanmar
Yanmar 2210
Model Year: 1980

Purchased this refurbished Yanmar from GeorgiaTractorCo.com, with a 4' rotary cutter and a 5' box blade. Have since added a dirt scoop. Tractor has been used to cut pasture, maintain a 600' gravel driveway, level building sites for several small structures, and various towing chores. I find the Powershift feature indispensable. It dramatically cuts down on the need to use the clutch in just about every type of operation. The quality of refurbishment is first rate. The machine is 30 years old, but looks and operates like new. Love the tractor and enjoy every project I get to use it on.

Pros: Compact size, good power, simplicity, relliability, powershift feature.
Cons: Lack of creature comforts, small cockpit.

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5.00 star(s)

YANMAR2010 Yanmar
Yanmar 2010D
Model Year: 0

This little tractor is strong for its size. It also has a Koyker 155 loader on it. The power shift is good. I just wish it had power steering on it! The bucket was 5 foot wide and I cut it down to 4 foot. It was too much weight when the bucket was full, not for strength, but for lack of weight on the back of the tractor. The weight in the loader makes it hard to turn. I rate this tractor a 9 for it overall performance. Power steering would make it a 10. I had a Shibaru 4x4, a Ford 2015 4x4 (Shibaru),and a yanmar 1500D before this. The little 1500D was also a great tractor.

Pros: Strong and reliable.
Cons: No power steering.

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Yanmar YANMAR2010 Owner Pages

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Yanmar YANMAR2010 Community Rankings

#110 user rating of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#310 Viewed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#14 discussed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#788 user rating of 27027 items overall
#2599 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#61 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall