Yanmar YANMAR220 5.00 star(s) (3)

Information, reviews, photos, discussion topics, owner pages, and specifications about the Yanmar YANMAR220.
Under 25 HP Tractors

About the Yanmar YANMAR220

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User Reviews (3)

Read what TractorByNet members think about the Yanmar YANMAR220 Subcompact Tractor
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5.00 star(s)

YANMAR220 Yanmar
Yanmar YM220d
Model Year: 1990

Tractor generally used for bush hogging and grading.

Pros: Extremely tough and agile tractor.
Cons: Body: Hood and fenders rotted out like wet toilet paper!

5.00 star(s)

YANMAR220 Yanmar
Yanmar 220
Model Year: 0

I acquired this tractor 2nd hand 16 years ago. It was like a bucket of rusty bolts when I got it. I have done a lot of work to it and put a lot of money in it. It has been very reliable and runs very well. I do not know how old it is. I have seen the hour meter turnover one time. It is a great garden tractor.

Pros: Engine runs great & very reliable.
Cons: Yanmar parts are very expensive.

5.00 star(s)

YANMAR220 Yanmar
Would Buy Again
Model Year: 1983

I bought a grey market Yanmar back in 1999. It's marked YM2200. I have worked this tractor hard and it just keeps going. It's excellent for what it is, that being a tractor under 25hp.

Pros: Well built.
Cons: Too small for some uses.

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Yanmar YANMAR220 Owner Pages

View owner pages to see photos, customization and comments about member-owner Yanmar YANMAR220s

Yanmar YANMAR220 Community Rankings

#1 user rating of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#347 Viewed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#14 discussed of 731 Under 25 HP Tractors items
#1 user rating of 27027 items overall
#2969 Viewed of 27027 items overall
#61 discussed of 27027 items overall
#7 Ranking of Most-OwnerPages in 27027 items overall