What did you do on the first day of retirement?

   / What did you do on the first day of retirement? #51  
It is just great having light in the tunnel after all these years of the grind. Thanks guys. It sounds great.
   / What did you do on the first day of retirement? #52  
I haven't read ALL of this thread, but best I can remember, the day after I retired I went to the RV storage lot, hooked up our fifth-wheel trailer, parked it in front of the house, and we started deciding what we were going to transfer from the house to the RV, what we were going to give our daughters, and what we were going to give to a charity, because 3 days after I retired, we closed the sale of the house and moved into the RV for the next 6 years.
   / What did you do on the first day of retirement? #54  
I got lucky. After 38 years in the fire service, I had a pretty fair retirement. Add to that a union retirement, and an individual retirement account and I got a raise the day I retired. But you have to have something to retire to. I cut and split all my own fire wood, I have laying hens, wife has dairy goats and we have a couple of grandchildren that liked to spend time with us.
I took up the bagpipes 10 years before retirement, and now have a pretty fair part time job playing for weddings and funerals. Pays for my scotch, cigars and gun clubs. Tractor and attachments are paid by the farm.
So bottom line, it may seem like your on vacation all the time, but as someone else said, you have to have some structure.
   / What did you do on the first day of retirement? #55  
Now that sounds great to me.
   / What did you do on the first day of retirement? #56  
First off, to all those retired, I say congrats. :drink:

I was going to sign the papers next week and retire in the middle of March. (lots of vacation) However, I think I'll stay until May unless someone really ticks me off. :D

As others have stated; hobbies or the like are a must. If you don't have a reason to get up you'll just die. :eek: I have my snowmachine for winter and the Harley for summer so I'm covered year round. I also plan to buy a larger place and raise about 20-30 cows, just enough to keep me busy without calling it out right work. :)
   / What did you do on the first day of retirement? #57  
:confused3: I don't remember. :confused3:

I think I need another job so I can get some rest though.
   / What did you do on the first day of retirement? #58  
Put a neck brace on and adjusted it so I could never look back.
   / What did you do on the first day of retirement? #59  
Looking forward to retiring from one job sometime in 2018. Planning to just spend more time doing the other job that I like more. Most of that job will be up to my schedule except for a few things and about 5 months every other year.
   / What did you do on the first day of retirement? #60  

I was going to sign the papers next week and retire in the middle of March. (lots of vacation) However, I think I'll stay until May unless someone really ticks me off. :D


There is a quote I sew recently..."We all think we have the time..."