
  1. G

    selling price advice

    I have a 1980 IH 284 Diesel . 4 wh dr with loader & bucket I bought it new for $5400.Runs great. For sale. Looking for a ball park asking price. GGK
  2. M

    looking a selling my Ford 1900, what price?

    How do I come up with a price for my tractor? I have looked to see if I can find a comparable and cant find another like it.
  3. donotlickthetractor

    Spreadsheet and price creep hell

    I am in such spreadsheet and price creep hell. 68 acres, large amount being wooded, marshy, some old fields. I want to reclaim the trails I have out there that have 22 years of neglect. - snowblowing/FEL snow removal - grading gravel driveway that has had severe pot holes develop -...
  4. D

    Kioti deal or no deal price?

    For anyone thinking about a CK3520SE
  5. N

    Age and Price w/PIN

    Hello! I was wondering how I can figure out and age and price based on a VIN/PIN number? Thank you!
  6. mike69440

    Is this a good price on a 2023 Kubota SV97-2 Track Steer

    Considering the same sales book had listed a 2016 SV95-2 with 2,000 hrs. for $56,000, $82,000 for a 2023 seems a good price?? Not buying, just posting.
  7. Binford

    Ck3520 HST price

    Just sold my JD 1026r for the same price I bought it for 7 years ago, crazy. Now shopping for a larger tractor. Got a quote for a Kubota L3902 with loader for $35k. Was curious what others paid for a KIOTI CK3520 hst
  8. S

    Satoh Bull S-630D

    hello, Not that it matters now I guess but I recently purchased this unit with all attachments shown along with a 16ft trailer for 8k. I do not know much about tractors but we have 18ish acres that will need to be maintained and I did not want to keep paying $600 annually for bush hogging. I...
  9. U

    Ford 5400? Year?

    Hi all. I bought an industrial loader/backhoe from a local meat packer last week that was advertised and sold as a 1980s Ford 755 for $4500. It didn't take me long to figure out with a 3 cylinder diesel it's not a 755. It took me days to understand where people were saying the ID numbers are...
  10. T

    1025R Price Check + implements

    Got quotes from my local JD dealer (KY) for my first tractor. Are these prices reasonable, or should I run away? Salesman says there's no more room for savings. 1025R TLB: $15,970 120R Loader w/bucket: $4,788 260B Backhoe: $7,662 Also getting radial tires, ballast box, 3rd hydraulic function on...