A Credible Global warming Scientist!

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   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #11  
Here's the latest numbers from Roy Spencer's site....he's beloved of the nay crowd, but mainly the anti-anthropomorphic crowd. February seemed cold to me, but then I occupy a (somewhat) small spot on the globe.

Latest Global Temps Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #13  

Can you believe it ? My grand daughter just walked over from next door, she is out of school now, just finished the 6th grade and is a great student in all advanced placement classes. She looked at me and said she watched a movie at school on global warming and after the film they were told their grandchildren would be the last human beings on Earth..! I am outraged..can you imagine putting this kind of thought into a young 12 yr. old mind..? How sick is that..? Something has to be done to stop this kind of brainwashing of our young with bad science. We could end up with a so what generation..that figures everything will die anyway..Of course I told her that was false and that the Earth would always cleanse itself and we were working on better ways to handle any pollution...
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #14  
Nice to see you posting again Fallbrook. I think you must hold the record for the quickest thread to be shut down. What did that one have? 3 posts?

Personally, I find your threads to be interesting. I think many of the subjects which are shut down make for interesting and mentally stimulating reading. As long as people can remain civil and not criticize others for what they believe, the moderators seem do do a good part on letting the treads run for the most part.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #15  
Can you believe it ? My grand daughter just walked over from next door, she is out of school now, just finished the 6th grade and is a great student in all advanced placement classes. She looked at me and said she watched a movie at school on global warming and after the film they were told their grandchildren would be the last human beings on Earth..! I am outraged..can you imagine putting this kind of thought into a young 12 yr. old mind..? How sick is that..? Something has to be done to stop this kind of brainwashing of our young with bad science. We could end up with a so what generation..that figures everything will die anyway..Of course I told her that was false and that the Earth would always cleanse itself and we were working on better ways to handle any pollution...

Did you have a chat with her taxpayer paid teacher and principal...as far where they came up with that statement?
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #16  
Did you have a chat with her taxpayer paid teacher and principal...as far where they came up with that statement?

Roy, believe me if it was my daughter and not my grand daughter I would already be on the phone with the Superintendent of Schools but alas, it is my grand daughter and I intend to discuss what she said to me with my son and my daughter in law tomorrow, away from my grand daughter. I want to be sure to not do anything that would make her afraid to share her worries with me in the future and it is up to her parents as my Mrs. has firmly told me so at this point I am in the biting my lip mode and I know you know what I mean..

I am more upset than you can imagine..:mad:
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #17  
I think many of the subjects which are shut down make for interesting and mentally stimulating reading. As long as people can remain civil and not criticize others for what they believe, the moderators seem do do a good part on letting the treads run for the most part.

I'd agree, dcyrilc. So long as everyone plays nice, I think the moderators will allow most topics to run their course. I don't think something blatently political will last long (like, "I hate Democrats" or "Republicans stink"), but I've seen several good discussions here. Brin and I were in one on the healthcare bill that went for a long time, and was never shut down because we tried to keep it (mostly ;)) professional.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #18  
Why would you go see someone about those statements. If a asteriod hit we could be gone tomorrow. Do you really beleive mankind will survive forever? We are likely just a dot in time.

The horrible earthquake in Chili knocked the earth off its axis a bit, it was that strong. I used to worry about underground nuclear testing. I could not see how the mass of the earth no matter how big it was could stand it and might make it crack. Remember it seemed almost everytime they detonated one within a short time California had another earthquake?

Nothing is unbelieveable in the respects of mankinds survival. I wish I could say that will never happen but look at all the extinct species that have come and gone.

Now what I am worried about is this consistent heat, this is still the end of May, has been right at 100 degrees here for days, it is hot and miserable out there. What is June, July, and August going to bring? They say a busy hurricane season, I'm guessing a disastrous one. I'm out to try and save some more tomatoes for canning as I can see lots of yellow folage out there on everything.

Just have an open mind, explain to her that that is one persons opinion, that no one knows for sure. It's just part of the process of learning and thinking. If we keep saying the school can't teach this and can't teach that, we will have a whole generation of lock step thinkers only. Noone ever went to school and told my teachers they couldn't say stuff, not parents anyway, probably the school board did. Embrace this opportunity for her to question, research and think about a lot of things about the environment, use it as an opportunity to think and learn.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #19  
Awesome thread. None of us have studied the issue and yet all have an informed opinion that conveniently fits squarely with our political affiliation. What are the odds of that?
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #20  
Now what I am worried about is this consistent heat, this is still the end of May, has been right at 100 degrees here for days, it is hot and miserable out there. What is June, July, and August going to bring?

We are having just the opposite. Seattle was the coldest major city in the US yesterday. We have been having March temps all month. Our highs should be around 70, but we've just barely been getting into the 50s. The garden isn't doing anything. The grass is sure growing though! Too bad it's too wet to be able to mow it.
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