A Credible Global warming Scientist!

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   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #21  
Nothing is unbelieveable in the respects of mankinds survival. I wish I could say that will never happen but look at all the extinct species that have come and gone.

99% of all species that have ever lived are now extinct! As long as humans have all their eggs in one basket (Earth) it's only a matter of time before we join the bone pile. We could improve the odds in our favor by colonizing Mars ASAP then other planets after that. It's unfortunate that mankind has squandered it's wealth on war for 1000s of years or we could have already been there.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #22  
Can you believe it ? My grand daughter just walked over from next door, she is out of school now, just finished the 6th grade and is a great student in all advanced placement classes. She looked at me and said she watched a movie at school on global warming and after the film they were told their grandchildren would be the last human beings on Earth..! I am outraged..can you imagine putting this kind of thought into a young 12 yr. old mind..? How sick is that..? Something has to be done to stop this kind of brainwashing of our young with bad science. We could end up with a so what generation..that figures everything will die anyway..Of course I told her that was false and that the Earth would always cleanse itself and we were working on better ways to handle any pollution...

Public School?
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #23  
99% of all species that have ever lived are now extinct! As long as humans have all their eggs in one basket (Earth) it's only a matter of time before we join the bone pile. We could improve the odds in our favor by colonizing Mars ASAP then other planets after that. It's unfortunate that mankind has squandered it's wealth on war for 1000s of years or we could have already been there.
Interesting stat, but where is the data? Where is the list/count of all species known to have existed and the list/count of species still existing so we can mathematically determine the % of species that are extinct? And of course that presupposes that we KNOW of every species that has gone extinct AND of every species still existing. A bit of a leap perhaps, since it seems new species are discovered fairly regularly.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #24  
I heard the 99% figure on a couple different TV shows. Did a Google search and found the link below. Apparently the 99% figure is an estimate. It is true that new species are discovered all the time but in the over all scheme of things that number is small relative to the 1.5 millions of species that have been identified. The main point is that humans are no different than other species and they too will become extinct as long as all their eggs are in one basket.

Extinction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #25  
The main point is that humans are no different than other species and they too will become extinct as long as all their eggs are in one basket.

Extinction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's odd. I could have sworn humans were different from every other species ever in the entire history of the planet.

Something to do with thumbs, and the interwebs, wasn't it?
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #26  
When a large asteroid takes aim at Earth our thumbs will be a big help ... We can all suck on them just before we are incinerated. :shocked:
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #27  
We are having just the opposite. Seattle was the coldest major city in the US yesterday. We have been having March temps all month. Our highs should be around 70, but we've just barely been getting into the 50s. The garden isn't doing anything. The grass is sure growing though! Too bad it's too wet to be able to mow it.

Yep, same here. I haven't even planted the garden, will do it tomorrow/Monday as the weather looks to finally be getting back to 'average' temps.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #28  
When a large asteroid takes aim at Earth our thumbs will be a big help ... We can all suck on them just before we are incinerated. :shocked:

Asteroids don't take aim. Asteroids hit Mars, too. There's no escaping them, in this universe. So, it doesn't matter how many baskets you have, asteroids can still obliterate them. Worrying about the miniscule possibility of an asteroid taking out the entire human race verges on paranoia on a massive scale. Your energy might better be expended on worrying about something that might actually affect you.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #29  
I think I'd worry about N. Korea or Iran or a former USSR nuke obtained by a terrorist group before I'd worry about what a "scientist" thinks.

Have you ever gone back and read any of the scientist predictions in any of the old science magazines? :thumbsup: It's not Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin, but close.
   / A Credible Global warming Scientist! #30  
Asteroids don't take aim. Asteroids hit Mars, too. There's no escaping them, in this universe. So, it doesn't matter how many baskets you have, asteroids can still obliterate them. Worrying about the miniscule possibility of an asteroid taking out the entire human race verges on paranoia on a massive scale. Your energy might better be expended on worrying about something that might actually affect you.

"take aim" = figure of speech

The more "baskets" we have, the less likely we will become extinct. It's simple probability. The dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid so why not humans? Think of Mars as an insurance policy. If CNN announces the approaching asteroid wouldn't it be nice to have human colonies on Mars that would be exempt? It's not just asteroids. We could be zapped by a pandemic, nuclear war, perhaps global warming, and who knows what else. We need insurance against those risks.
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