Another large yard project completed by a BX2230

   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230
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rpoage said:
go with Hydro seeding

Probably a good call anyway. I was warned against hay since it has such a high content of stray seed "contaminants" that would lead to weeds right out of the box. Looking back, it probably woundn't have been a bad thing for me to do.

I seeded, then fertilized, and as I drove around (tow behind spreader), I noticed that my wheels were doing a pretty good job of mixing the seed in with the layer of dust at the top. So I ended up just leaving it like that and praying.

At this point, it is going on 2 days of watering 15 minutes a zone 3 times a day to maintain constant moisture. Haven't seen any "angel hair" sprout out of the rye (part of my seed mixture), but I hope for it in the next few days.

If for some reason this doesn't work and I don't get grass, I'll be left with a slippery topsoil mudpit all winter. BAD NEWS. So please hold the hand of your neighbor and pray for my freakin' grass to germinate. It would mean a lot to my marriage.

Will update,

   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #12  
KeithInSpace said:
If for some reason this doesn't work and I don't get grass, I'll be left with a slippery topsoil mudpit all winter. BAD NEWS. So please hold the hand of your neighbor and pray for my freakin' grass to germinate. It would mean a lot to my marriage.

I'm sure the weather is not helping either of us. I have been watering my patches at night and the ground is dry by 10:00am the next day. It was 90deg around here yesterday. I have not had to mow the yard for three weeks and this is generally a once a week yard this time of year.
I hope you get the germination you need as a failed tractor project could effect the toy,:rolleyes: I mean tractor budget for years to come.:D
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #13  
1*Through a contact, I was able to get 60 CY of beautiful, screened topsoil for only the trucking costs.
Wow, $250 for 60 cy of great topsoil...unreal.
I have been paying $33.00 per CY for screened top soil plus delivery charge of $35.00.
2*I was warned against hay since it has such a high content of stray seed "contaminants" that would lead to weeds right out of the box.
3*If that pile of dirt was in my yard, I'd probably be playing in it too.
1*A couple of summers ago I got 30 tons of free top soil and free hauling.
I know a guy that will deliver 10 to 12 tons of fill dirt for $45. The 45 bucks includes the dirt and the hauling.
I did buy 2 20 ton truck loads of extra nice top quality fill dirt for $125 a load from another guy earlier this past summer.
2* I never use 3 dollar a bale stray.
Hay has always worked as good as straw for me.
I have bought several small pick up loads of hay.
I have paid $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 and $.75.a bale.
The best deal I ever got on hay was the 21 bales I got for fifty cents a bale.
3* I have 3 piles of dirt in my yard and a 4Th. pile in a 12 x 22 stall in my pole building.:cool:
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230
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Turned on the sprinkler Sunday afternoon...Thursday morning and no grass yet...hoping the Rye will sprout today or tonight.

Getting a little nervous/anxious.

If nothing comes in by the weekend, I may reseed and hit with hay as LBrown59 indicates it may have less contamination. Or just pay for a hydroseeder to come out and shoot everything. Dunno. Have mud tracked all through the house, so something has to change soon.

   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #15  
Sit outside with a .22 and take out any bird that comes to eat your seed! I always throw straw on top of fresh seed - it keeps the moisture in and keeps the birds away for some reason. I just threw about .25 acre of fescue and it came up strong in about 5-6 days with the straw on top.
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #16  
We need pics of the finished project:D
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230
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Texas Dodge said:
We need pics of the finished project:D

I need pics of the finished project. I'm dying here.
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230
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Adam23 said:
I just threw about .25 acre of fescue and it came up strong in about 5-6 days with the straw on top.

As I said before, I originally opted against straw and instead told myself that I'd just keep it moist by well monitered watering. I've been tweaking the zones and keep things pretty moist.

If something doesn't start happening this weekend, I'll spread more seed and cover with straw. We'll see. I still have hope...I'm only on Day 4.
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #19  
I did the drop seed thing on my lawn last summer. It seems like it took a week or two to see some frog hair poke through. I had the sprinkler system hitting the yard four times a day to keep it moist.
I would just try to be patient a while longer.
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #20  
Singlecoil said:
I would just try to be patient a while longer.
I think we did our yard seeding on the same weekend, today I checked my patches and I have a good crop of new grass coming through the straw. Hang in there with the weather change it only a matter of time.
I have 6 yards of top soil being delivered today to edge the drive way.