Another large yard project completed by a BX2230

   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230
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rpoage said:
Hang in there with the weather change it only a matter of time.
A) Sortof kicking myself for not putting down straw, but we've had 30MPH winds for 24 hours now and I think it would have been all in the neighbor's yard by now anyway.

B) The weather just broke from 90+ degrees on Wednesday, so perhaps I have some hope yet. We'll see how the weekend goes.

Been feeling the prayer chains...thanks to all. Will keep advised.
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #22  
Rye doesn't like cold and that's the reason it might be taking longer then usual for it to sprout. And if you haven't gotten anything comming up, you can still put some straw down.

A few months ago, I prepped an area to seed. But because I didn't have any straw, I didn't seed. It worked out well because a week later, we got a nasty down pour and half my dirt washed away. After I was able to get some straw, I reprepped the area and seeded.

The seed I used was a Tall fescue/Kentucky Blue grass mix. I watered it for an hour in the morning and an hour around 6pm with a sprinker. And with that, it only took about 8 days to sprout. Now the grass there is growing like crazy! I did get some barley coming up from the straw, but it's not a problem because it's not an annual and it'll never get big enough to seed. Next year, that section of my yard will look great!!

So with that said, I suggest you get some straw down, if at all possible. It's a PITA to put it out by hand, but the straw will help the seed stay moist and keep rain from washing everything out.

Good luck with your yard!!
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230
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See, this site is good for much more than tractors!

I purchased and spread 6 bales of straw hay today. Need to get two more tomorrow to finish. I thought I could get away without the straw, but the blanket it provides is just too important. I'm starting to think of this as a 3 year project rather than one year. Hopefully I get a good stand this year, but I can already see that it will be far from perfect...just "there". Something to start with. I'll need to spread more dirt to smooth things out...lather...rinse...repeat...

I hear you on the cold and Rye...evenings have been a little chilly. Starting to get some nice hair poking out in some areas. Just wanted to be safe and figured that it still couldn't hurt to spread the straw. 100% agreement with Mr. Crabjoe...thanks for the suggestion. Definitely a PITA, but probably worth it. Good looking blanket.

I threw some additional seed in areas where I think it may have washed away. Shouldn't hurt anything.

I think this could be a good week...will keep posted.
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #24  
There's a lot of info on the net about the optimal time to plant grass seed for whatever are of the country you are in. I studied long and hard for what kind of grass is best for my area (just outside Seattle) and what time of year to plant. Planting in the late summer early fall is best around here, vs. springtime. Soil temps and air temps have a lot to do with germination for grass seed, and optimal rooting, etc. Certainly keeping the top 1/4" of soil moist is a MUST - any drying can kill a germinating seed right away. Besides hay you might choose a layer of peat moss which holds moisture pretty well.
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230
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In case anyone cares, I have grass. It finally germinated and I patched some areas with hay and additional seed. I went from watering 3 times a day to 2 times, then 1 time, to avoid rotting the roots in place.

After a summer of hard drought, we got many inches of rain from Tuesday to Saturday this past week. Thankfully, everything was well rooted and I can see no negatives effect of the rain.

I am now battling leaves. I doubt my topsoil fills will support my tractor this season (hasn't supported my 190#s very well yet), so I am resorting to blowing leaves off the new lawn. The rain matted quite a few down, so I'm heading out in a few minutes to try and blow them off so it doesn't kill what's underneath.

We're expecting a frost tonight, so I hope everything goes OK. If I can get through fall, I will try to mow and bag leaves once the ground firms up or freezes...probably not before December.

I don't have very good "before" pictures, but I found some from the front yard not too long after I moved in. Not much had changed from then to when I started this project. Off to the left of the "New Front Yard" picture is the house (and dead, barren ground) you see behind me in the "Old Front Yard 1" picture. That is indicative of most of the front yard...under heavy shade and formerly acidic soils that are native to forest. Never got a blade of anything to grow there...UNTIL NOW.

Now I just have to figure out how to make it live!!!


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   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #26  
Nice lawn Kevin. I'm looking forward to my BX24 delivery. I have a list of projects in store for it. I hope to finish my windows and siding by the Thanksgiving. It's getting kinda cold at night. Last night dipped to low 30s. I figure I should just have enough seat time to get familiar with the machine. Spring 08 should be busy.
Once again Nice lawn

   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #27  
asylum575 said:
Nice lawn Kevin. I'm looking forward to my BX24 delivery. I have a list of projects in store for it. I hope to finish my windows and siding by the Thanksgiving. It's getting kinda cold at night. Last night dipped to low 30s. I figure I should just have enough seat time to get familiar with the machine. Spring 08 should be busy.
Once again Nice lawn


Me to...end of november my new BX24 arrives to the habour in Sweden:D
And Richard at Bro-Tek have send me Thumb front/rear skid plates! Just hope that our -20 celcius winter will wait...Want to test the BH!

Very nice lawn and house, looks fantastic!
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   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #29  
Looks real good. Amazing even seed distribution compaired to what I got.
I have been stopped in my project by rain on the weekends so I still have a 4' x 300' section done with no seeding. We had a strong frost this morning so I guess I'll test the limits on how late one can seed if we have a dry weekend this weekend.
   / Another large yard project completed by a BX2230 #30  
Wow, the transformation is very nice! Good work!

I need to do the same thing to my lawn, but I'm thinking the TC33D might be too heavy for it. I have one area that is just completely weeds, with a few bits of grass thrown in for kicks. I've hit it with some Speed Zone and will be tilling / replanting this Saturday.

I hope you bought shade grass for under the trees. During the spring/summer when that canopy fills up, I don't see much sun getting in. I'm guessing you'll have to go back through this spring and fill in some of the areas.
