B&S Kickback While Starting

   / B&S Kickback While Starting #1  


Super Star Member
Apr 17, 2009
nowhere, md
I have a 2 yr old Sears rototiller with a B&S 850 model engine. It has developed a bad kickback while pulling the started rope. Snaps the pull handle out my hand and leaves fingers stinging.

The engine has had several very fast/hard stalls from hitting rocks while tilling.

Should I expect to find a partially sheared key on the flywheel causing the ignition timing to be off?

Thanks, Dave.
   / B&S Kickback While Starting #2  
My thought would be absolutely yes. A partially or fully sheared pin is surely what you will find.

Many years ago I bought a cheap 5.5 horse Tecumseh engine for a small riding mower. When I went to start it for the first time, it jerked the pull rope out of my hand and proceeded to completely destroy the start ratchet. I was baffled and called up the shop where I bought the engine. They got a good laugh out of my calling because that engine was designed for a rotary mower where the blade is flywheel mass. I had a small pulley bolted to the crankshaft and that wasn't enough.:rolleyes::eek: Of course, that's not your problem. If your engine just developed the kickback, it has to be the shearpin causing timing to be early.
   / B&S Kickback While Starting
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My thought would be absolutely yes. A partially or fully sheared pin is surely what you will find.

Many years ago I bought a cheap 5.5 horse Tecumseh engine for a small riding mower. When I went to start it for the first time, it jerked the pull rope out of my hand and proceeded to completely destroy the start ratchet. I was baffled and called up the shop where I bought the engine. They got a good laugh out of my calling because that engine was designed for a rotary mower where the blade is flywheel mass. I had a small pulley bolted to the crankshaft and that wasn't enough.:rolleyes::eek: Of course, that's not your problem. If your engine just developed the kickback, it has to be the shearpin causing timing to be early.

Thanks Jinman,

It's been about 30 yrs since I did any serious small engine work, was afraid I might find a whole new world when I went looking :eek: It never used to kickback, I think it began about the same time as my rock tilling episodes. It would be a crime against machinery to put a decent tiller on my garden :D

It's on my winter to do list. Cleaned up and tilled the garden yesterday, it snowed a bit this morning. Way too early for that.

   / B&S Kickback While Starting
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   / B&S Kickback While Starting #6  
Reminds me of the old 22HP Jonson and Evenrude outboards.
If the manual spark was not at the correct position and you pulled real snappy like with a good grip, you could end up in the drink! (or loose some fingers)

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