Tractor Sizing B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92

   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92 #1  


Bronze Member
Sep 13, 2014
Southeast TN
2016 Power Trac PT-425
Hello, everyone.

For a while, I have been trying to decide what tractor to get. Immediate need is to repair long gravel drive with a land plane and/or BB. Would also like to a small rotary cutter to trim beside road. Based on this, I started looking at BX and B tractors, which would be perfect for the short term and long term. Mid term however, I could use a little more tractor.

I plan to build in 4-5 years on another part of my 15 wooded acres. This will involve clearing 3 - 4 acres (but not clear cutting) and digging a basement. The woods are mostly chestnut oak, some of which are very large. Except for the house site, I plan to leave the larger stuff and thin out the smaller.

I have since started thinking about a TLB and started eyeing the B26. Seems it would be perfect IF it can get the job done. I went to a local dealer today who directed me towards the L4701 w/BH92. He also does not sell the B26/L39/L45 TLB series. Of course he says the BH92 is plenty machine for a homeowner. After talking to him, I called another dealer who still has an L4600 he will sell for $4,000 cheaper. Now I feel I need to make a quick decision before the L4600 sells.

Another minor consideration is that I sold my diesel pickup and can only trailer about 3,000 lb. So I should be able to trailer the B26 without the backhoe if needed for servicing. That would be out of the question for the L's.

I'd like to stay under $40k if possible. Seems like if I go higher than that I should forget the whole backhoe idea, hire all the clearing and get a B2650 or leftover B2920.

I guess the main question I have is which, if any, of these machines is capable of what I am planning. Thanks in advance for helping!

   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92 #2  
I have a b26 and have used about every size machine out there. I did use the b26 commercially for several years and kept it as it is a very handy machine. I was going to write a real long post but if had to do it over I would buy the b26 again.
   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92 #3  
I'll bet that no one who has purchased a B26 ever regretted it. I don't regret buying my B21 that's for sure and I have moved some major rocks and dirt while creating a number of large pads on my sloped property.
   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92 #4  
You really have to think if the expense of a back-hoe justifies the cost.Purchase a tractor for sure but leave the heavy digging to a large more capable machine.
   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92 #5  
I would jump on the l4600 because of engine it has that's why its less money can't speak to other models as I have never used one
   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92 #6  
I cant comment on other machines, having only owned a B26. It is a very capable machine for its size. I have dug out 20" diameter dead pine trees while still standing, large rocks, 24" oak stumps, small rocks (I have the hydraulic thumb and wouldn't have a hoe without one). I can pick up rocks as small as a baseball, grasp trees, limbs etc and stack them on a pile so I don't have to handle them by hand.
I don't know if you could still haul the B26 without the hoe. I seem to recall that the hoe weighs about 850# which would still leave you 3150# but if you removed the FEL bucket that would put you under your goal.

I would for sure get the B26 over the L 4600. I think you will find the B26 to be heavier (4001#) than the L 4600 with hoe. I will have to review the specs to be sure on that.
Edit: Looks to be about the same weight, but B26 has 11.2 GPM hydraulic pump vs 7 for the L4600 so the B26 will be a lot faster and I believe it is going to out lift in all respects.
   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92
  • Thread Starter
Thanks, guys for the comments. Good advice. I think I have confirmed my suspicion that the L4600 is probably too much tractor and not enough hoe for what I'd like to do. It also seems like the B26 is up to the job. That's good since I don't have to rush out and buy the last L4600. I can also keep an eye on the used market and maybe make up some of the approx $18k price difference over a B2650 w/ FEL.
   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92 #8  
While I love my L4600 I am not a fan of 3 pt backhoes. So I think you are on the right track. Unless you get the tractor and a mini trackhoe.
   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92 #9  
While the B26 is a great machine, I went the "L4060 + backhoe" route in 2002 and never regretted it either. Dang that's a long time ago when I stop to think about it! I can't say anything bad about the B26, but the tractor we got - the large Grand L Kubota offered at the time - has been a trouble-free workhorse that does everything you described and plenty more. I think you'll find the BH92 is actually more backhoe than what's on a B26, so your concerns about its capability need to be reconsidered. It is not a 3 point backhoe, as someone mentioned, it's a full subframe type hoe just like the one on the B26, only larger (compares with the L39/45). One difference is the BH92 has a separate operator platform so you move back and forth instead of swinging the tractor seat around as on the B26.

The L4060 is a larger tractor with considerably more weight, power, hydraulic capacity, pto capability and 3 point capability than a B26. The B26 is a ruggedized machine that packs a lot of digging capability into a smaller package, ideal for serious dirt work in a transportable size. Different machines optimized for somewhat different situations. You'll need to decide which is best for you.
   / B26 vs L4701/L4600 with BH92 #10  
I was in the same boat as you. I bought a piece of property with 2 unfinished houses on them and allot of trees. I started off with a used BX22. It was way too small for what I needed to do, but it did surprise me. I then went looking at something bigger which was the B26. It's a nice machine for all around construction use is how I see it. It has a strong FEL and BH, but it's lacking in weight and HP. The weight of the B26 is about 4000 pounds with the FEL and BH. The L4060 is about 4100 pounds without the BH and FEL. So let's add another 1500 to 2000 to that and you are about 6000 pounds total. Tractor weight is your friend when it comes to tractors. Also, the BH on any of the L series is not a 3 point hitch BH. It is frame mounted.

I ended up buying a L3800 with a FEL and BH 77. It's a strong machine. I still needed something with just a little more edge to the lifting capability. After looking around, I am in the process of purchasing a L4060 with a FEL/BH92. If I could afford it, I would have went with the L45 TLB. That's a strong machine.

Here is my reasoning. The BH77 is strong, but just lacking a little in strength for me, especially when trying to snap roots. For the tress I am pulling, if I would have just a little more strength, I would snap them allot easier. Same with the FEL. A little more lifting power is what I need for what I am doing. The L4060 has the BH92 and has the L805 which is a stronger loader. The L4701 would be comparable in HP and strength. I went with the Grand series since I did allot of dirt, the HST+ will work out well for that. I also like the setup of the drivers area. The L3800 is a basic machine compared to the L. It's missing allot of bells and whistles and I like those. It just makes it that much more fun to work with. I also like having the option to go with the heavy duty bucket on the L805 since I do dig allot of stumps out and lifting old cement pads out.

I dug my foundation for my addition with the L3800. It did well, but could have used again, a little more strength. I would use the BH to loosen up dirt when it got too rocky and the 9' hoe compared to the 7.7' hoe would have been nice along with the added strength of the BH92.

This is my experience and thoughts. Hope it was helpful.

I also want to add, for the L4060, FEL 805, BH92, Mechanical Thumb, fiberglass canopy and lights, I was right under $40.

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