Baby on the way

   / Baby on the way #21  
A lady that I work with just had her first child a few months ago. The funniest thing that I've heard her say, and I agree with entirely, is:

"I thought I was busy before I had a baby. I realize now I didn't know what busy was...

So true. A few months after our baby arrived, my wife and I realized how boring our lives must have been before, what with all the available time we had for work, projects, going out to dinner, sports, hobbies, friends, watching TV, etc.... After a few months with a baby around, it seems like our definition of "time" has changed completely.
   / Baby on the way
  • Thread Starter
Thanks everyone! We are definitely excited but it also hasn't really hit me yet.
   / Baby on the way #23  
Congrats. You know what this means...New Tractor!

   / Baby on the way
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Yeah if it's a boy there is going to be some new tractors around the house.
   / Baby on the way #25  
they grow so fast. My baby is now 18, we have a lot of fun together.
   / Baby on the way #26  
Congratulations to you on your first child. Your life will change dramatically and you will lose some sleep. The coming years will be the most frustrating and happiest times in your life. Enjoy them every minute, for they will grow up and fly the nest before you realize it.

If your lucky they will bring you grand babies which is a whole different kind of fun and joy. My youngest is 26 and the oldest is 34 and I have a grand old time spoiling their children.
   / Baby on the way #27  
Congrats. Fun times ahead.
   / Baby on the way #28  
OK, you've had a lot of congrats so I'll bypass that and go into advice mode:

1. Don't ever get your kid hooked on a pacifier. If you do, then you will find yourself having to find that thing whenever it falls out of the baby's mouth. All day and all through the night. Then, when you have finally had enough, you have to wean the kid from the pacifier and that will be two days of h*ll. DAMHIKT

2. For the first year, everywhere you go - to the supermarket, to the fair, just walking down your street - people will stop you and want to pet the baby and tell you how super cute it is and you may find yourself believing that you have the best-looking baby in the world. You don't. It is just as cute as any other baby and it will grow up to look a lot like you. ;)
   / Baby on the way #29  
My daughter just turned 3 years old yesterday. I may have a little different perspective, as I was 52 when we adopted her when she was 1 month old. Being parents has been the most rewarding and challenging thing my wife and I have done by far. I will probably not get to enjoy spoiling grandkids, but I sure am having fun spoiling her! They do grow up fast - it just seems like yesterday she was a little helpless drooling thing, and now she is learning to ride a bike and read!

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