Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,281  
Go on food stamps, unemployment, section 8 housing, or one of the other thousand government programs that hands out money with no checks or balances while people completely abuse the system.

Or become a government bidder and consistently fail to produce while raking in government money, citing increases in prices, labor costs, and lack of labor.

If the #1 thing you have a problem with in this government as far as spending is concerned is ev rebate checks, i think you missed a few memo's. At least these are making american's lives a little better and not being pumped over seas. #atrilliondollarstoukraine

I keep seeing this argument in this thread, and I find it bizarre. Wasteful spending in one area doesn't justify wasteful spending in another area.

Complaining about EV subsidies doesn't imply that it is "the #1 thing you have a problem with." This is an EV thread, so people aren't going to talk about Ukraine.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,282  
I read your state limits this to 500 people. Did you make it?
Yes, I got the confirmation email the other day. It doesn't surprise me, because the website and instructions are horrible, i actually had to submit it twice because of some of the paperwork requests were to vague. And I keep excellent paper records of everything. There was a total of 9 documents I had to upload, including copies of the canceled check, wire transfers, a few government forms, ss# releases, purchase agreements, etc. I hope they tell me what # I am of 500, I wouldn't be surprised if i was in the single digits.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,283  
I keep seeing this argument in this thread, and I find it bizarre. Wasteful spending in one area doesn't justify wasteful spending in another area.

Complaining about EV subsidies doesn't imply that it is "the #1 thing you have a problem with." This is an EV thread, so people aren't going to talk about Ukraine.
If you are concerned about wasteful spending, ev rebates are a drop in the bucket, and your concern would be more effective focusing on the larger issues.

ICE vehicles receive plenty of subsidies as well, and have for decades. They're just not direct to the consumer.

For the record, I am against all subsidies. It's all anti-capitalist.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,284  
Another strawman from you🥴
Read my post again.

In any case, pad, pole, and substation transformers are in short supply. The higher they’re loaded, the sooner they need to be taken out of service.
Taking one out of service, be it because of failure, pre-failure replacement, or oil exchange, if it’s liquid cooled, almost always incur an outage, planned or not.
There’s no free lunch
Actually it's even worse scenario than that, because past couple years shortage of transformers has occurred in this continent and beyond ( raw materials to build etc) so they are extending use of old ones and failures increasing.....deliveries of 9 weeks in 2019 went to 50 weeks in 2022 and in 2023, is in some places over 100 weeks. So increases to loads is causing older transformers to fail. EV charging loads in years to come will only exacerbate this problem. Transformer shortage impacting local utility companies or this link
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,285  
If you are concerned about wasteful spending, ev rebates are a drop in the bucket, and your concern would be more effective focusing on the larger issues.

ICE vehicles receive plenty of subsidies as well, and have for decades. They're just not direct to the consumer.

For the record, I am against all subsidies. It's all anti-capitalist.

This is going nowhere. I complain about the logic in your previous post, and your rebuttal is to repeat the same argument again.

I'm going to mow some grass.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,286  
I think the airline industry has gotten one or two government checks over the years.

I’ve learned people generally think what ever break:assistance they get is good but anyone else getting one is a moocher.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,287  
Agreed. However I’ve been an airline employee for 21 years, and do not think they should have gotten a dime. I’d have been happier had they furloughed during Covid. Instead they pocketed billions of $$.
Im forced to sink or swim… why not everyone else?
The government paid 70% of our employees not to work for nearly a year. I could have opted for that, but I chose to stay on and fly what flights we had left. Somehow the airlines still pocketed a lot of cash, because they all went on huge spending sprees after the lockdowns.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,288  
I think the airline industry has gotten one or two government checks over the years.

I’ve learned people generally think what ever break:assistance they get is good but anyone else getting one is a moocher.

Well heck, if we are looking for businesses that get a lot of tax break/ incentives/ ways to externalize costs,
Mining businesses in general have advantages.

Agreed. However I’ve been an airline employee for 21 years, and do not think they should have gotten a dime. I’d have been happier had they furloughed during Covid. Instead they pocketed billions of $$.
Im forced to sink or swim… why not everyone else?

I Hope they get some of the Billions stolen when all that Covid money was just handed out and many Unscrupulous people filed for money they did not qualify for.
If they spent it maybe a several year manual labor program would be a start.

"In our new report, we estimated that the total amount of fraud across all UI programs (including the new emergency programs) during the COVID-19 pandemic was likely between $100 billion and $135 billion—or 11% to 15% of the total UI benefits paid out during the pandemic"

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,289  
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,290  
Actually it's even worse scenario than that, because past couple years shortage of transformers has occurred in this continent and beyond ( raw materials to build etc) so they are extending use of old ones and failures increasing.....deliveries of 9 weeks in 2019 went to 50 weeks in 2022 and in 2023, is in some places over 100 weeks. So increases to loads is causing older transformers to fail. EV charging loads in years to come will only exacerbate this problem. Transformer shortage impacting local utility companies or this link
PGE has oublically said a year or more for some transformers with priority for existing customers.

I have reported several failed pole transformers and because a high fire danger area they pulled transformers from far away to make repair.

The fireman thanked me for reporting and he said the 1950 transformers are being taxed as homes upgrade service to Heat Pumps and EV...

The gas load is shifting to electric and after years of declining electric with energy savings and LED it's really ramped up...