Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,302  
Sure it does. If you are not opposed to all wasteful spending then you are not morally justified in complaining about one small wasteful item.
Another nonsense straw man argument. No one on this thread has stated support for other areas of wasteful spending.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,305  
Citation please.

The US Treasury does not issue EV "rebate checks".
"Apr 19, 2024 — 'Instant' EV Tax Credits Are a Hit: $580M Paid This Year. Claiming federal electric vehicle tax credits at the point of sale"
"Since January 1, when the point of sale credit became available, more than 100,000 eligible buyers (about 90%) have claimed the credit on new electric vehicles at dealerships. About 75% of used EV buyers have opted for the $4,000 credit at the time of purchase.Apr 19, 2024"

Tax rebate, credit, refund, money back, incentive, return, check, etc.-don't get confused with's all the same.

I found it & know everything so you research & post! I have too much s... to do right now.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,306  
I don't drive the most efficient gas or diesel vehicles, why would i want to drive the most efficient ev? It's making it completely uninteresting.
I misunderstood the Clean Air Act...I was under impression it was getting people to buy evs to lower mistake .
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,307  
Every tax incentive, rebate, etc is designed to benefit society one way or another.
Yeah, that is what they say.

The truth is Little Men are using the power of government (and other people's money) to make themselves out as Big Men.

But when government offers such a gift one is stupid to refuse it. Well, depending on the strings attached. Federal government controls local schools by collecting Federal income taxes from locals then "gifting" it back with strings attached telling schools what they must do to keep their easy Federal funding.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,308  
"Apr 19, 2024 — 'Instant' EV Tax Credits Are a Hit: $580M Paid This Year. Claiming federal electric vehicle tax credits at the point of sale"
"Since January 1, when the point of sale credit became available, more than 100,000 eligible buyers (about 90%) have claimed the credit on new electric vehicles at dealerships. About 75% of used EV buyers have opted for the $4,000 credit at the time of purchase.Apr 19, 2024"

Tax rebate, credit, refund, money back, incentive, return, check, etc.-don't get confused with's all the same.

I found it & know everything so you research & post! I have too much s... to do right now.
So you are so economically ignorant as to not know the difference between a credit and a check. They are not the same.

No funds have been "paid out of the US Treasury" (your exact words, my italics). A tax credit means one doesn't pay the credited amount of taxes, assuming one owes that much. The funds were never in the treasury.

To hit you in the face with a wet mop: A refund is money in the bank. A tax credit is a possible deduction in one's income tax bill.

Next thing you'll claim "kilowatts" and "kilowatt-hours" are the same thing.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,309  
I misunderstood the Clean Air Act...I was under impression it was getting people to buy evs to lower mistake .
The Clean Air Act had no intent of regulating CO2. That is a recent bureaucratic invention. To find a boogeyman that was so vast and impossible that unlimited government is required to tackle.