Box Blade options for the 110 tlb

   / Box Blade options for the 110 tlb
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Everything-attachments just released information on there New Box Blade Category I & II

Nothing against EA but after Eric's hi jinks with his supposed indestructible blade I'm going keep after a frontier, Gannon or land pride blade. I think EA is offering some great stuff but just don't feel the blades are there yet.

   / Box Blade options for the 110 tlb #13  
Nothing against EA but after Eric's hi jinks with his supposed indestructible blade I'm going keep after a frontier, Gannon or land pride blade. I think EA is offering some great stuff but just don't feel the blades are there yet.


Eric's was an isolated incident that was the result of ripping through frozen ground. One single box blade out of thousands of box blades sold and now it is perceived that our blades aren't there yet?

Since that, our box blade line-up has been expanded so you can choose the perfect model for your application.
We offer options that are not available on any other blade on the market such as 8" viper cutting edges and 1" x 4" custom ripper shanks.
If you're going to rip through frozen ground with the shanks all day, we've now got you covered.
If you're going to use a box blade like the thousands of customers before Eric, we've had you covered.

If something arises, we act upon it fast and efficiently. You can not go wrong with the quality of an EA box blade or the customer service that you'll receive before and after the sale.
   / Box Blade options for the 110 tlb
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Eric's was an isolated incident that was the result of ripping through frozen ground. One single box blade out of thousands of box blades sold and now it is perceived that our blades aren't there yet?

Since that, our box blade line-up has been expanded so you can choose the perfect model for your application.
We offer options that are not available on any other blade on the market such as 8" viper cutting edges and 1" x 4" custom ripper shanks.
If you're going to rip through frozen ground with the shanks all day, we've now got you covered.
If you're going to use a box blade like the thousands of customers before Eric, we've had you covered.

If something arises, we act upon it fast and efficiently. You can not go wrong with the quality of an EA box blade or the customer service that you'll receive before and after the sale.

Travis, is the EA house line available in a hydraulic version? As for Eric's issues, if the blade can't stand up to frozen ground it wouldn't last a minute in rocky New England soil. It's a solid looking product for sure, but there's a reason Gannon has the reputation it has.
Now perhaps the EA line will be at that level someday but in my mind it isn't there yet. Believe me I've also read all the threads about how great EA's customer service is. So if perception is reality, I'd say you guys are doing quite well.:thumbsup:

   / Box Blade options for the 110 tlb #15  
In 10 years of light use I have had one shank fail on the bb1284. No problems since then and yes I used mine yesterday to rip up a 1/4 mile driveway which was rocky underneath. Pulled up some bowling ball sized rocks a few times. Good luck searching for the right blade that works for you.
   / Box Blade options for the 110 tlb #16  
Travis, is the EA house line available in a hydraulic version? As for Eric's issues, if the blade can't stand up to frozen ground it wouldn't last a minute in rocky New England soil. It's a solid looking product for sure, but there's a reason Gannon has the reputation it has.
Now perhaps the EA line will be at that level someday but in my mind it isn't there yet. Believe me I've also read all the threads about how great EA's customer service is. So if perception is reality, I'd say you guys are doing quite well.:thumbsup:


The hydraulic shank model will be out in the next few months.

Ted has sold all of the high end names and there's not one he hasn't seen bent.
I'm sure there are several of ours in New England and if they were bending, both TBN and ETA would be hearing about it.

If you've ever watched the show Gold Rush, you'd know that they have no problem moving/fracturing big rock with huge excavators, but it's game over when they reach frozen ground.
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   / Box Blade options for the 110 tlb #17  
Nothing against EA but after Eric's hi jinks with his supposed indestructible blade I'm going keep after a frontier, Gannon or land pride blade. I think EA is offering some great stuff but just don't feel the blades are there yet.


Matt, in defense of EA, I was scraping through an inch or two thick top layer of frozen ground. EA responded without fault: They paid for shipping back and fully reimbursed me (so now I got "free use" of their blade). They redesigned their scarifier pockets so that newly made blades are even stronger than the blade I used, and they derated the their existing inventory to best align expectations. Unless an manufacture has every size tractor, and every soil type, nobody can be expected to test everything they make in every soil condition and remaining cost effective and competitive in the market.

I had every intention of buying their new hydro blade from EA when EA brings it to market this spring-summer, but my plans got moved forward and I needed something by April. In fact, next week after I get my mother out of the hospital (she's been there since last month, the poor thing) I plan to be back at clearing land and making roads as I just got confirmation that the double door container I'm purchasing finally has been unloaded off of the ship it was sitting in during the longshoreman strike.

Anyway, EA has been excellent and I intend to circle back around and purchase a land rake for clearing my 1/2 mile of shoreline as well as their new pallet forks!
   / Box Blade options for the 110 tlb #18  
The hydraulic shank model will be out in the next few months.

Ted has sold all of the high end names and there's not one he hasn't seen bent.
I'm sure there are several of ours in New England and if they were bending, both TBN and ETA would be hearing about it.

If you've ever watched the show Gold Rush, you'd know that they have no problem moving/fracturing big rock with huge excavators, but it's game over when they reach frozen ground.

Travis, permafrost found under compacted soil is rock hard in comparison to the top layer of loose, mixed soil and organic material that is crusting up with an early freeze. I dropped a link to a video in my prior post showing my exact use and soil conditions.
   / Box Blade options for the 110 tlb
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I agree EA has been excellent at resolving customers issue. I'm real close to buying a grapple from them but I'm still partial to going with Gannon or Frontier(one in the same, I know). I'm going to keep looking for a deal like you found and hope the shipping doesn't kill the deal.

Keep us up on how the Frontier unit holds up for you. EA should send you product demos to test wear and tear!:thumbsup: