Can a Yanmar compare....

   / Can a Yanmar compare....
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Gizmo36 said:
It don't matter were you get a tractor from .You better check it real good and if you get it out of state you need to tell ever who is bring it not to be in a hurry . So you can run it for and hour with something behind it. these tractors are old , Don't care if they come from a dealer on here or not . You need to check it out good. A friend of mind got a yanmar and it was wore out.Started to fall apart with in 4 hour after he got it.It had new paint a ROPS it look good but that was all there was to it.He had to get a attorney to get his money back.Then Len Shaffer who ever he is . sold him a Yanmar it was not a pretty tractor it did not have new paint on it .But it was as solid as a Rock. So you can get a bad one from any were .and Yanmar is as good as you can get .its like any thing that is old you don't know what was done to it before you got it and no one dose.

Thanks for the feed back Gizmo, its well apreciated and duley noted and seems to apply to wherever and whatever tractor i eventually buy. Like i have said, i am really hoping to by in my area so i can try before i buy. I really have a dislike for attorneys in general, had too many experiences with the bad ones i guess so i really hope to avoid that and would much rather buy a tractor "as is" then pump my self up with expectations and get let down. Your closing statements are a good reality check.

Thanks again.
   / Can a Yanmar compare....
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1danny said:
Here is another issue of concern, it is my understanding that in the places these tractors are originally used they are used under a co-op system.

Not used by a co-op, bought from Yanmar and sold by a co-op new to farmers.


Thanks for the clarification Danny. Its hard to sift through the information and misinformation available and to seperate the two sometimes.

Thanks again.
   / Can a Yanmar compare....
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Eddie said:
Even new tractors require maintenance and upkeep!!!!!!

I agree and fully expect that. All machines eventually have a crititcal failure too.

I guess it comes down to parts availability and support, even if the parts and support are from outside sources.

   / Can a Yanmar compare....
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phatgemi said:
Good luck Lions. By the way, my personal yannie is a 2000 that didnt look great but has give me several good seasons with only minor issues. I wouldn't touch a viet rebuild for all the tea in texas.........

Thanks for the vote of confidence and the luck. Your post instilled in me the need to get a bit educated in operation. I have added to my list to visit with the couple of rancers i know and see if i can get some time from them to show me how to operate. My time on tractors is limited. Your tractor sounds very close to exactly like the kind i need, i hope i can find one locally.

Thanks for the heads up.
   / Can a Yanmar compare.... #45  
I'm a tractor noob, I admit it. Fact is I'm probably the greenest greenhorn here, even more so than you Lions and you don't even own a tractor yet.
However, at least you have considered buying something used and working on it yourself. No way that would work for me.
I have a lot to learn, I am the first to admit it so I knew for my first tractor I had to go with new and I had to have that warranty and that dealer support.
Seriously, 2 months ago I thought an MMM was a chocolate candy. :eek:

Also like you, after what seemed like weeks of reading and comparing and eBaying and reading and reading some more, I decided I had to drive something... something new and as it turns out, something ORANGE! :D

Too bad that little bota you tried didn't have a warranty. What was it's specs? hours? price? Did u like it?

Whatever you choose, you gots to get behind that wheel and try her out 1st.

I think you know that now though so all I can say is, GOOD HUNTING!!!

oh and GO ORANGE! :rolleyes:
   / Can a Yanmar compare....
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Hi California.
I think the whole concept of buying a first tractor with limited experience is a venture into the unkown. I have not looked into new warranties but i do know that sometimes they only cover parts and as such, no matter what option i choose, it seems wise to keep some cash stashed just in case. I'm unsure if the lemon law here covers new "heavy equiptment", something i will add to my list, to check into that.

I dont want to find myself in a horror story. I dont want to expect unreasonable things from any one i buy from and i certainly dont want to aid others into smearing a seller by opening the door for others to do so. My personal opinion was that specific situation appeared to be a set up right from the start. I personally will not drag any seller out onto a public message board no matter if my experience is good, bad, or neutral. That is very wrong in my opinion and those who gang up are twice as bad. I would just as soon buy the old 8n up the road for $1200 then get involved with what has been referred to by others as the "soap opera" syndrome. I'm here to get info on buying and mabe eventually troubleshooting/repairing, a tractor, not help pump up or bring down any seller.

On that note, i will ensure that i have all the needed manuals for whatever tractor i get so that either i, or the mechanic i eventually find will have the needed recources from the start. After thinking about it and my location, i am sure there are many reputable diesel mechanics in my area or surrounding areas that would love to have my money if and when the need arises. I am also sure that one of the larger parts dealers are not too far (in terms of Texas distances that is) from here. I'm also pretty sure for a case of beer or two, i should be able to get some one very knowledgeable of tractors in general to take a look at any machine i wish to purchase.

I dont think i am suspicious, cautious i am for sure. Besides i also have to eventually justify to my own higher command a major, minor purchase that will take a chunk out of the budget. Even after answering the who, what, why, when, and where, i still suffer the fate of the disection of each answer i come up with that lead to the whole questioning process starting over.

As i think i said, this is my (our) first ever purchase, unless if you consider the used lawn tractor i presently have. I got lucky with it, as so far its only needed a battery and currently needs new front tires,ummm and a sping tune up. It has mowed my front acre+ several+ times and short of needing the new tires has provided me excellent results. But i know, useing it basically as a brush hog is taking its toll quickly.

After all the negative feed back on chineese tractors, for now i will stick to thier food and dishware. Goes to show what a few peoples words can do for a sellers/companys reputation. I think for me it is wise not to buy a tractor that has less then a 15 year history in the US.

I do appreciate your candidness. And oh, for the record, yes i did know the answer to my sending a mechanic question. It was intended to be silly. Just as silly as buying a tractor i have never seen or touched. I might as well bid on one on ebay from the guy in Nigeria who will hold it for 5 grand.

Thanks for the feed back, its well taken and apreciated.
   / Can a Yanmar compare....
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kenmac said:
You don't have any one in your area that is a mechanic ( independents that work on any tractors, diesels ) ? Even the deere dealer here will work on yanmars if I supply them with the parts. The Mahindra dealer near me sells/ works on yanmars. Seems that any mechanic with general working knowledge of tractors would work on any tractor if they could get parts.

Actually after thinking about it and my area i am sure i can get mechanical help and as i said in a previous post i am sure there are parts to be had around. The JD dealer here had nothing but green on his lot and mostly large equiptment. He didnt seem starved for work and probably is very reputable with the JD owners in his area. The day i was there i did see a couple of subcompacts but wasnt really looking then, i was there with a friend looking for a use 2 bottom plow. I am pretty sure they were out of my budget though. I had asked about working on a Ford, i might as well have told a good joke. Nothing but green. I guess its like some refuseing to work on the Viet rebuilds or others Yanmars.

Thanks for the feed back.
   / Can a Yanmar compare....
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Fug1000 said:
I'm a tractor noob, I admit it. Fact is I'm probably the greenest greenhorn here, even more so than you Lions and you don't even own a tractor yet. :rolleyes:

Well its good to know i am not the only green one here. I'm green to the board, green to the Texas area and green to tractors, it dont get much greener then that. I am learning that i have a lot to learn too. New, used, who knows, i have been looking at Yanmar for a while now. MMM's arent candy? hehehee... I hear that. I still get lost at times with the letter abbreviations. I'm just gonna keep reading and looking. I am sure sooner or later i will find something, the right thing. Orange? Hay Zenoh are orange i think!

The little kabota was a B7200. It was $2999 i think, i dont recall the hours but it was quite a few i am sure. I didnt really look to closely at it, i kinda got blinded by all the nice shiney blue ones around. Mabe i should give it a second look.

Thanks for the input and congrats on the new tractor.
   / Can a Yanmar compare.... #49  
Lions TX,
When I bought my 1602D I had never owned or driven a tractor of any sort. I bought mine used from a neighbor of a friend of mine soley on his recomendation that it was a good brand of tractor to buy, as he had one. The big difference was that his was a US version and mine turned out to be a grey market. I did no research at all, talk about blind faith! I've had it 5 years now, and I don't use it as much as I did at first, it still starts easily and runs perfectly. I've had no mechanical issues at all. I did do some basic maint work (oil, air filter, top off fluids, grease job etc) as I had been told it was serviced regularly and found otherwise.
I would heartily recommend a used Yanmar to anyone, but stress the same caveats as the others, buy from someone you trust, buy the best tractor you can afford, be prepared to do some service work, and then use it and enjoy it and don't worry about it.............
   / Can a Yanmar compare.... #50  
Lions, I don't really get your math. I think you will find that gray market tractors are cheaper then comparable non gray market tractors. I found they were even cheaper then new chinese tractors. I have no problem with chinese tractors but they are no john deere, kubota, new holland, yanmar etc... Some of these kubotas are grays also, even some fords are. You need to do your math. I don't know what model tractor you are looking at but $11,000.00 should buy a heck of a lot of used gray market Yanmar......
Yanmar is going to build the new Cub Cadets now. If you want a new Yanmar wait just a bit and get a Cub Cadet but bring your wallet. Cub cadets have been made by the daedong (kioti) lately but now they are going to be Yanmars. I got a 26 hp tractor with a loader and new brush hog for under $6000.00 It is 2 wheel drive and has a power shift trans. It has been a few years ago but at that time my math said go for it.......