Canada Day

   / Canada Day #41  
I'm not so sure about that. Somebody posted a clip showing a high altitude view of Canada and you could see a succession of fires starting across the continent over the course of thirty seconds or so.

Of course nobody mentioned how long the time elapse video was, and how many hours or days actually occurred between each fire.
I mentioned that most wildfires are started by lightning, but of course it could be arson or another source. But we commonly get multiple fire starts due to dry lightning busts. Once, I spent a month in California when a dry lightning bust started over 400 fires across the northern part of the state from only one storm. It if it’s arson, that will come out once the investigators are finished.
   / Canada Day #42  
It's rather embarrassing how little I know about our neighbors to the north.
I hear like 90% of them live in like the southernmost border area with the USA.

They must love us LOL, or maybe they figure they can get to our great hospitals faster? 😂

I love the Canadian people. Went to school with a few. Fiercely loyal when the crap hits the fan.

Quick story. We had a travel lacrosse match in college. Showed up at opponents college and a couple punks started hurling insults at us as we’re getting off bus. My Canadian teammates stormed off the bus and pummeled them, like really beat them up. :ROFLMAO:
Then we had a bench clearing brawl (common long ago in lacrosse, now much less) and they went crazy again. Bus ride home was fun.

It was funny back then, now I’m not into violence anymore unless absolutely necessary. (y)
   / Canada Day #43  
ANY weather anomaly, be it a fire, hurricane, etc is blamed on climate change.

Go outside and it’s sunny, then you get a heavy thunderstorm and a flood. Now that, too is blamed climate change. 20 years ago it was a sunny day followed by a heavy thunderstorm and a flood and just another day on earth, maybe blamed on El Niño or La Niña.

Call it what you want, but when you want to confiscate already scant savings of taxpayers while spending trillions on bloated government for more Parks & Rec., arming 100,000 new IRS agents or building trains to nowhere, it’s not going to end well.
The climate change discussion is falsely applied to wildland forest fires. The effects of a century or more of fuels build up and high forest density far outweigh the effects of changes of a few degrees in temperature. Whether or not someone thinks climate is changing is kind of irrelevant to this discussion. What’s a more significant change: forest density increasing from 100 to 500-1000 trees per acre over the past century and no natural fires to reduce fuels, or 3 degrees of temperature increase?
   / Canada Day #44  
   / Canada Day #45  
I hear like 90% of them live in like the southernmost border area with the USA.

They must love us LOL, or maybe they figure they can get to our great hospitals faster? 😂

I love the Canadian people.
You are not even joking there Hay Dude. Our "free" health care, which is not free is horrible.
Wait times in emergency are 8 plus hours where I am. Service is non-existent, we got a brand new hospital built and it is filthy and you usually come out with more diseases you didn't have when you went in.
Nurses are always on the news crying about how underpaid and over worked they are, yet on a few occasions I've had to carry people in, asking for help to no avail while seeing them all sitting in their chairs talking about how camp was on the weekend.
I have some health issues, have had some surgery and had to see a few surgeons and specialists and I finally got to the point I'm letting natural selection take it's coarse rather than dealing with them.
I have a lot of American friends too. Some had even moved here and bought failed businesses, rebuilt them all with their own money, employed local Canadian people, and our current government screwed them over and they all sold and moved back to the States.
   / Canada Day #46  
There's been over 3000 wildfires in Canada so far in 2023.

Show me the arrest reports for the arsonist that was caught that started the most of the fires to begin with. That would be one person starting over 1500 fires.

You can't. He can't. No one can.

Conspiracy theory garbage.
Wasn't just one guy. It was a group of enviro-terrorists responsible for many of the fires, not all.
   / Canada Day #48  
Is it in the realm of possibility that fires believed to be started by “nature”, were indeed arson, but there’s no proof?
IMO, it can be difficult to differentiate between the 2 in many cases.
Also, fire marshall Bob may be biased, especially if his salary comes from taxpayers/government.

How do we know for sure he isn’t being told to blame fires on “nature”?
Also, arson investigations are a lot of work. People in general are lazy. Maybe the investigator doesn’t want to chase down leads, interview people, fill out massive amounts of paperwork, etc.

We have seen recent events in the USA where the FBI and IRS have been extremely biased and untrustworthy.
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   / Canada Day #49  
Is it in the realm of possibility that fires believed to be started by “nature”, were indeed arson, but there’s no proof?
It is very hard to fool these investigators, not saying it is impossible but its not their first BBQ. Also due to the consequence involve with being the cause of a forest fire if getting caught, plus the fact that most Canadian who live where these forest fire are present vastly depend on the forestry industry for their lively hood. It is our bread and butter so it is hard to believe to me anyway that someone would deliberately set the forest on fire. Unless you are willing to believe there is a fire terrorist who is willing to travel 12h in remote area travel miles in bush road without cell service or even road showing on a GPS and bushwhack miles through the forest among black flies and mosquitos to set multiples fires.
   / Canada Day #50  
It is very hard to fool these investigators, not saying it is impossible but its not their first BBQ. Also due to the consequence involve with being the cause of a forest fire if getting caught, plus the fact that most Canadian who live where these forest fire are present vastly depend on the forestry industry for their lively hood. It is our bread and butter so it is hard to believe to me anyway that someone would deliberately set the forest on fire. Unless you are willing to believe there is a fire terrorist who is willing to travel 12h in remote area travel miles in bush road without cell service or even road showing on a GPS and bushwhack miles through the forest among black flies and mosquitos to set multiples fires.
I’ve heard much worse things done, so it wouldn’t surprise me.