Chigger Season

   / Chigger Season #41  
I know this sounds crazy but try Listerine mouth wash. It is scary how good it works for mosquitos, flies, and chiggers! Just put it in a spray bottle and soak yourself.
   / Chigger Season #42  
I always seem to get the bites under my socks so I just wear the ankle socks when the chiggers kick up. ... To me, the bites are alleviated and effects shortened by breaking the pustule head and slathering on rubbing alcohol - 90% if possible. After an hr or so a crust forms proud. I rub them off with the palm of my hand and apply more alcohol. larry

This is my treatment of choice. Only I apply the rubbing alcohol till it stops burning. Then rub off crust and re-apply. Applying rubbing alcohol to attached ticks also help loosen them.

Growing up I was the only one in the family to get chiggers. We could all walk through the same area and only I would have them. Moms solution was a bath in bleach water when we got home.

Once I got old enough to start working I found that if my boots smelled of diesel fuel then I no longer was the one to get ticks or chiggers. I will still cover my boots in diesel fuel a few times a year. Gear oil also works. There is something to using your pants as a rag when working with oils.
   / Chigger Season #43  
This is my treatment of choice. Only I apply the rubbing alcohol till it stops burning. Then rub off crust and re-apply. Applying rubbing alcohol to attached ticks also help loosen them.

Growing up I was the only one in the family to get chiggers. We could all walk through the same area and only I would have them. Moms solution was a bath in bleach water when we got home.

Once I got old enough to start working I found that if my boots smelled of diesel fuel then I no longer was the one to get ticks or chiggers. I will still cover my boots in diesel fuel a few times a year. Gear oil also works. There is something to using your pants as a rag when working with oils.

Or just use OFF. :D
   / Chigger Season #44  
This is my treatment of choice. Only I apply the rubbing alcohol till it stops burning. Then rub off crust and re-apply. Applying rubbing alcohol to attached ticks also help loosen them.

This is what I do except for the alcohol part. :shocked::laughing::laughing::laughing: Benedryl gel helps to stop the itch though.

Growing up I was the only one in the family to get chiggers. We could all walk through the same area and only I would have them. Moms solution was a bath in bleach water when we got home.

I have heard from a few people about the bleach bath but I never could figure out how much bleach in how much water. :shocked: Seems like that would be important and given what bleach does to skin, I was not inclined to try the bleach bath. :laughing: However, I do see some logic in that bleach would work since it dries out the skin.
