China-made equipment...

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   / China-made equipment... #21  
"Oh wow, aren't you just a belly full. Thanks for writing the book up above....."

I certainly am. Visit the restroom......stick a finger down your throat....whatever it takes because what I've written above (and below) doesn't even begin to ecnompass the first chapter of my learner's guide to geo-political reality. Get comfortable and enjoy the ride:)

"I get unnerved with the arrogance of people from other countries and Americans like yourself blaming America for everything that's wrong with the world. They think that we can't be proud of our accomplishments. They think we have nothing left that's America. If we talk about our accomplishments, they think we believe we're better than everyone else. I'm not saying I'm better or we as Americans are better, but I'm tired of the anti-American rhetoric..............."

You qoute me, verse and all, where have I EVER blamed the United States of Americe for ANYTHING!!! I point out that not all of the world's intellect and ability is centered in the U.S........and I'm an "America hater"......??????

"Thanks for the monologue, but you & your buddy can go on America bashing. I'll keep on defending my country, be proud of its' accomplishemnts and buy whatever the heck I please from whatever country I want...."

Again, where did I bash the United States of America? NOWHERE!

When I concede and recognize the obvious fact that other people of other nations around this vast God-given world can am I hating America?

Sig-Sauer makes some fine weapons. UH-OH, they're GERMAN!!!!

Beretta is legendary for quality and price............dang-it, they're Italian.\
I have a Taurus revolver and Rossi rifle. **** good they both are I got them reasonably....but made in Brazil. I'd have to spent several hundred more to get the same (or less) if buying only American made.

My dad, a Vietman vet, has a Kubota and LOVES it...he couldn't have had a JD at the same price for the same machine from his dealers.

I have 3 "American" Dell and Gateway computers.............all made in either the Phillipines or Thailand. Can't buy an American IBM because they were long bought-out by Chinese concerns and are now "Lenovo."

As for my "buddy"...............Renze is a big fan of the Zetor tractor which is a very economical and sound piece. They are tough, solid, reliable.........and just happened to have been designed and built in the old Czechoslovakia. They have to farm there as much as we have to here.

"Don't be so scared to be proud. Don't feel so obligated to agree with everyone who thinks America is so bad...."

You wanna rodeo, I see.

I sit here as a life-long Republican, dyed into my very wool, who wants persistence and American influence everywhere. I see you as a Union Democrat and thus supporter....wanting to retreat from the world and follow an ***** down that path. Did you like his speeches in France and Germany about "world" citizenship and so on? Huh? Quite the "American" and league you've latched yourself onto there.

The U.S. and Texas flag fly everyday in my yard.........along with my Ford Ford 40-year old American built house. I defend them with my 2nd Amendment rights everyday, guaranteed by a Supreme Court appointed by President Bush and approved by Congress, and hope for the betterment of the U.S. each and every day. God Bless US and the U.S.

When the USAF chooses a tanker built by...wait.....Northrop-Grumman in Alabama I cheer it! When that same decision is ripped apart by partisan politicians............I JEER it! The USAF decided what it wanted and N-G produced it..........Boeing did not........enough said. Is the U.S. Air Force un-American? Un-Patriotic? NO! They are looking for the best method of achieving a goal at the best price and doing so.

Yet, so many "Americans" decry the decision. This is not patriotic to me.
   / China-made equipment... #22  
JSharp said:
Maybe it's you who needs let go of the importance of Europe. The countries there as individuals are mostly tiny and insignificant.

Look at the size of the US economy before you dismiss it as so irrelevant. We have states with economies as large as France. Our overall economy is roughly the size of the four next largest world economies combined. IOW, 30% of the world economy is the USA.

You might also look at where the Euros sell their products. There are European companies where roughly 50% of their production goes to US market. German automakers for instance.

I doubt they'd think that the US is so unimportant. Neither would anyone else who looked at the real numbers without some form of misguided nationalism skewing their view...

Europe wouldn't even exist as we know it today without the sacrafices the US made for Europe.
   / China-made equipment... #23  
JoeinTX said:
"Oh wow, aren't you just a belly full. Thanks for writing the book up above....."

I certainly am. Visit the restroom......stick a finger down your throat....whatever it takes because what I've written above (and below) doesn't even begin to ecnompass the first chapter of my learner's guide to geo-political reality. Get comfortable and enjoy the ride:)

"I get unnerved with the arrogance of people from other countries and Americans like yourself blaming America for everything that's wrong with the world. They think that we can't be proud of our accomplishments. They think we have nothing left that's America. If we talk about our accomplishments, they think we believe we're better than everyone else. I'm not saying I'm better or we as Americans are better, but I'm tired of the anti-American rhetoric..............."

You qoute me, verse and all, where have I EVER blamed the United States of Americe for ANYTHING!!! I point out that not all of the world's intellect and ability is centered in the U.S........and I'm an "America hater"......??????

"Thanks for the monologue, but you & your buddy can go on America bashing. I'll keep on defending my country, be proud of its' accomplishemnts and buy whatever the heck I please from whatever country I want...."

Again, where did I bash the United States of America? NOWHERE!

When I concede and recognize the obvious fact that other people of other nations around this vast God-given world can am I hating America?

And in your last post you called me a lot of disparaging names and implied that I buy everything American, yet I don't or I'm a "xenophobe" yet I'm not. See how it fees to be mis characterized, portrayed as something you really aren't? Kind of hurts doesn't it?

"Sig-Sauer makes some fine weapons. UH-OH, they're GERMAN!!!!

Beretta is legendary for quality and price............dang-it, they're Italian.\
I have a Taurus revolver and Rossi rifle. **** good they both are I got them reasonably....but made in Brazil. I'd have to spent several hundred more to get the same (or less) if buying only American made.

My dad, a Vietman vet, has a Kubota and LOVES it...he couldn't have had a JD at the same price for the same machine from his dealers.

I have 3 "American" Dell and Gateway computers.............all made in either the Phillipines or Thailand. Can't buy an American IBM because they were long bought-out by Chinese concerns and are now "Lenovo."

As for my "buddy"...............Renze is a big fan of the Zetor tractor which is a very economical and sound piece. They are tough, solid, reliable.........and just happened to have been designed and built in the old Czechoslovakia. They have to farm there as much as we have to here.

So what? Maybe you two oughta get a room???:D

You wanna rodeo, I see.

I sit here as a life-long Republican, dyed into my very wool, who wants persistence and American influence everywhere. I see you as a Union Democrat and thus supporter....wanting to retreat from the world and follow an ***** down that path. Did you like his speeches in France and Germany about "world" citizenship and so on? Huh? Quite the "American" and league you've latched yourself onto there.

The U.S. and Texas flag fly everyday in my yard.........along with my Ford Ford 40-year old American built house. I defend them with my 2nd Amendment rights everyday, guaranteed by a Supreme Court appointed by President Bush and approved by Congress, and hope for the betterment of the U.S. each and every day. God Bless US and the U.S.

When the USAF chooses a tanker built by...wait.....Northrop-Grumman in Alabama I cheer it! When that same decision is ripped apart by partisan politicians............I JEER it! The USAF decided what it wanted and N-G produced it..........Boeing did not........enough said. Is the U.S. Air Force un-American? Un-Patriotic? NO! They are looking for the best method of achieving a goal at the best price and doing so.

Yet, so many "Americans" decry the decision. This is not patriotic to me.

There you go again, on the attack, mischaracterizing and turning this into a personal dispute. I'm a conservative, a small business owners and a republican. ***** is a joke.:rolleyes: I've never belonged to a union and never will. :rolleyes:

No, I don't want to "rodeo" with you. I just want to restore the topic, but if someone's gonna come here and start wrongly assasinating the US for something it isn't, I'm gonna speak up.

Can't you make a post that's not full of words obviously too big for you to understand or 2,000 words long?
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   / China-made equipment... #24  
seeing as we're having a good old chew on global politics - what are you boys gunna do when the usd stops being the financial currency of choice?

I safely reckon the euro is about to swamp it.

someone once pointed out to me the reasoning behind the iraq thing had much much more to do with protecting the usd than anything else but i'm not qualified to comment on that.

right now we have pretty much parity aud to usd which is unusual.

I don't buy into the sacrifices usa made for europe argument - everything comes at a cost inc war.... i only need to look at the bills the us govt has been handing out to toehr countries for the iraqi effort.
   / China-made equipment... #25  
Builder said:
I find this sort of arrogance by a lot of Europeans quite nauseating. Maybe you need to understand the concept of waking up in the morning saluting Adolph ****** or Ahmidinijad and the American lives lost freeing Europe amnd yes, CHINA from opression once in a while instead of broad brushing us all as "thinking we're so important".

Yes, true: When there's trouble in OUR backyard, Europe is quibbling so Americans come to fix the crap, for instance in Afghanistan. Then our Dutch army follows to keep peace afterwards, but the peace is conquered with American BLOOD.

In other threads, i have expressed my respect for that.
Just, if i say one thing, dont put words in my mouth about the other. ;)

Builder said:
Maybe if you actually LIVED here in the US, you'd realize that we don't think the world depends on American industry. However, the world does depend a lot on American innovation. Most of the world's innovative products are American ideas & designs which are often copied & cheapened by other industrialized nations.

I just described the contrary, what happens in modern times.
Just two cold FACTS, right after WW2:

1. Werner von Braun, the German weapons and rocket expert was kidnapped and granted to live, if he helped America with their space program. In fact he delivered the most significant bits of the space program.

2. After WW2, Allied force (Americans among them) scientists took all the scripts from horror Doctor Mengele, the crook that did experiments on jews, like rebuilding a man into a woman, to see what happens. Only a cruel German Nazi could do this to another person. However, the Americans were glad to take the research outcome.
(before you counter-attack, i DO NOT blame the occupiers of these test results morally for what Mengele did: this research was invaluable, because the information could only be obtained in this inhuman way)

Builder said:
.....copied & cheapened by other industrialized nations.

Builder said:
Most Americans are humble, hard working, helpful people. I find a lot of your posts contain a smug condescending attitude that we're a bunch of has-been idiots that can't do anything right and we're to blame for all the world's problems. Quite the contrary.

I think you're exaggerating now: that is totally NOT my attitude, though i do like to pretend it when some Americans are expressing a feeling of superiority of their `All American` equipment thats made in Japan ;) ;p :D LMAO
I have this feeling that as soon as i place things in a Euro perspective, you feel it as an attack !! ?

And YES ! i do like to prick a little, to get an open discussion. Maybe this board aint the place to start a Euro vs. American politcal debate. Barrack ***** was here yesterday. He wanted to connect the Europeans with the Americans again, as we share the same values, and are offspring of the same ancestors.

Builder said:
Stop watching so much NBC & CNN news. :rolleyes:

Explain me, what's wrong with NBC and CNN ? Do they give a neutral perspective, not suiting your political ideas ?
I'm just asking, there are plenty of newspapers writing about worldwide politics, so i dont really follow NBC and CNN.... :)

Builder said:
Eurpoean products like Airbus and Chinese companies have plenty of gov't backed subsidized companies, too, so you can give the "European Superiority" attitude a break, becuase I ain't buying what you're peddling.

I didnt even mention government subsidised companies.... ;) But now you mention it, what about it ? When some companies get subsidies, others pay more tax. The subsidy comes from the country itself, not from an external source.
Whether the economy has subsidised industries or not, doesnt say anything about the effectiveness of the economy on its own, because subsidies are payd from tax money. All eat from the same trough.

Then one more thing: The last discussion i had with someone, about this subject, was also on TBN, also with you.... Why fight each other, we share exactly the same opinon truely: "You guys on the other side of the Pond, are NOT superior as you think !! " ;) :p

So why not meet in the middle and shake hands ? Actually we have the same opinion, but from a different perspective ;)
   / China-made equipment... #26  
I don't have the same opinions as you on America!

What I find bothersome is nearly every one of your posts I've read in the past few months have a cheap shot at America, whether obvious or a hidden agenda in them and I don't like it.

many lines in your posts mentionproducts that are American owned have some foreign content or is some bastardized POS or that we're being buried by China, etc.

I was raised that if you want to shake hands and be friends with another person, you don't continually insult his country or countrymen or what comes from his country.

I'd be happy to "shake hands" with you and be friends, but you first need to lighten up on your America bashing agenda and putting us down as has beens or losers. I DON'T think I'm superior to you, nor you to I and I disagree with some forms of American culture just like I disapprove of legalized drug use in Holland!

I don't like seeing my countrymen put down and I will stand up for my country even if "joeinTX" is afraid to.
   / China-made equipment... #27  
JSharp said:
You might also look at where the Euros sell their products. There are European companies where roughly 50% of their production goes to US market. German automakers for instance.
I doubt they'd think that the US is so unimportant. Neither would anyone else who looked at the real numbers without some form of misguided nationalism skewing their view...

Then why do you guys need Euro cars ?? ;p
And.... How much do we, Europeans, actually import from the USA ??
The import/export balance is where the American economy lacks today.
They might be able to help themself out, but they import lots of goods from all over the world, and export very little. thats the cause of the low value of the Dollar, compared to the Euro.

I do understand American aversion against foreign products, because your economy cant export enough and the more you import, the less worth your dollar is.
However, thinking that you can avoid this, is a fairy tale: there is nothing you can do against it but war, which will help the global economy to the same level as yours :p haha, just kidding ;)
   / China-made equipment... #28  
Builder said:
I was raised that if you want to shake hands and be friends with another person, you don't continually insult his country or countrymen or what comes from his country. .

YOU HIT THE NAIL ON ITS HEAD !!! Thats exactly why so many muslim countries hate Americans !!! :(
   / China-made equipment... #29  
Well, Renzo, I'm done with you. I tried to give you some friendly advice. You'll have to find someone else's hand to shake. Maybe "JoeinTx" and you can get a room together and talk about how much y'all hate on America.

I really don't give a rat's butt what Muslims think about us or the Dutch for that matter, you both have plenty of blood on your hands.
   / China-made equipment... #30  
Renze said:
Then why do you guys need Euro cars ?? ;p

Ummm, maybe because "euro cars" get better fue economy and if you didn't notice, we're in a bit of a increase at the fuel pump over here. Heck, I own a "euro car" a Volvo XC90 and guess what? The car sux on fuel (14MPG), has too small of a small fuel tank and AC that doesn't work very good. Pretty lame for $52,000. I'm going back to GM this fall. If I'm gonna get 14MPG, I'm gonna do it in a Tahoe full size SUV that's roomier, more capapble of towing & off-road and will run over my Volvo.

"And.... How much do we, Europeans, actually import from the USA ??
The import/export balance is where the American economy lacks today.
They might be able to help themself out, but they import lots of goods from all over the world, and export very little. thats the cause of the low value of the Dollar, compared to the Euro

Actually, if you knew about economics, the lower the value of the dollar, the more we export since forein currency would be able to buy more American goods.

I do understand American aversion against foreign products, because your economy cant export enough and the more you import, the less worth your dollar is.
However, thinking that you can avoid this, is a fairy tale: there is nothing you can do against it but war, which will help the global economy to the same level as yours :p haha, just kidding ;)

Actually, I believe you're not "just kidding". I think you really mean that. You typify some outside the US who think we make war only to wake up our economy. Nice try, renze.
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