Daylight Savings Time---yes or no?

   / Daylight Savings Time---yes or no? #1  


Super Star Member
Dec 8, 2007
Kubota M7040, Kubota MX5100, Deere 790 TLB, Farmall Super C
Yes for me and make it year round.

I know it's the same number of hours but it's discouraging to get home from work in the dark. In the summer, it's light when you're sleeping in the morning and dark when you still have things to do at night. For me, DST all year long.
   / Daylight Savings Time---yes or no? #3  
+2 I agree also
   / Daylight Savings Time---yes or no? #4  
I agree as well.
   / Daylight Savings Time---yes or no? #5  
I've said many times before, I don't care which. Just quite diddling the hour hand twice a year.
   / Daylight Savings Time---yes or no? #6  
Yes, just so long as all states do it consistently. I don't want drive to an adjacent state and arrive at a time before I left :D
   / Daylight Savings Time---yes or no? #7  
Yes , keep it ! When you need it the most they take it from you !
   / Daylight Savings Time---yes or no? #8  
I'll go along with all year also. Up north here it's dark by 4:30 in the winter
   / Daylight Savings Time---yes or no? #9  
Just leave it one way or the other!
   / Daylight Savings Time---yes or no? #10  
Leave the **** time alone, go to work an hour earlier if you think it matters.

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