DNA paternity testing

   / DNA paternity testing #21  
I have contacted an attorney that is helping but he has run into the same roadblocks of no one closer than a cousin living.
Dont really want to exhume his remains.
Im sure she is his child since my great uncle kept all of her mothers correspondence and carried her picture in his wallet. He tried to marry the mother numerous times but she refused
This is one of those family secrets that comes to light when your cleaning out the house that he lived.
Will check on the facebook reference.
And my apologies for my earlier uncalled for rant. Im just trying to help her know for sure he was her father.
I am hopeful that both you and the daughter will eventually be able to confirm who actually was the father.
   / DNA paternity testing
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One of those old IH tractors? If you say it was a Massey I may have to claim him as my long lost brother!!!

585 International. Like the old MFs myself had a few.
   / DNA paternity testing #24  
Out of curiously, is this for 1st cousins? In other words, does the person you are doing this for have any living 1st cousins? Just to be clear, children of your great uncle's brothers or sisters. This wasn't clear from the OP.

I did some reading and that is really the furthest they will go. I found a couple of sites online that do cousin testing where they offer a 3 person tests. I assume it is more accurate if there is DNA from more than 2 people.

I have a feeling if that can't be managed then you're looking at digging people up.
   / DNA paternity testing #25  
Submit HER DNA to Ancestry.com which will auto-magically build out a tree with other potentially more closely related individuals that she doesn't currently know about. Then there is a potential to contact THOSE matches through the service. 6 degrees of separation kind of thing
   / DNA paternity testing
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Out of curiously, is this for 1st cousins? In other words, does the person you are doing this for have any living 1st cousins? Just to be clear, children of your great uncle's brothers or sisters. This wasn't clear from the OP.

I did some reading and that is really the furthest they will go. I found a couple of sites online that do cousin testing where they offer a 3 person tests. I assume it is more accurate if there is DNA from more than 2 people.

I have a feeling if that can't be managed then you're looking at digging people up.

Yes there are first cousins that could be tested but everyone that has been contacted so far has said they cant verify with cousins.
   / DNA paternity testing #28  
I can testify that I sent my DNA to Ancestry.com and set up an account.

They always send me notifications that they found people who are my distant relatives.
Some of them are into genealogy and can provide even more info.

Ancestry.com knew that my 2nd cousin (my grandma’s brother’s granddaughter) were related from our DNA.
   / DNA paternity testing #29  
Just because I was curious about our ancestries I had DNA tests done on my wife and myself. One on her two on me. As time goes by the DNA companies get more samples and revise their estimate of where our families came from. She looks a bit Italian and I don't. Last time we checked she shared no markers with Italians and I did.