Do you Text message while driving the tractor

   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #31  
Heck I must be a dinosaur, I don't own a cell phone.

good luck
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #32  
texting is a waist of time for me.
I keep my phone on and in my pocket. when field mowing last week it rang, I killed the tractor and answered the call from Mom. She was worried, dad was out past his bedtime. ;)
If it had beed a friend, sorry, i'll talk later.
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #33  
I can sometimes hear the phone ring while my tractor is running, most of the time it is not noticeable due to diesel.

If I want to make a call, I have to stop & shut off engine. A great safety feature.

I have never liked texting.

Hearing the phone ring or feeling it vibrate doesn't work for me either on the tractor. I'm waiting for the model with the built in cattle prod that zaps me to get my attention:p

I don't like sending texts either, although receiving them is fine. Too dang hard to type it on the keys where 3 letters are on each one. Years ago I had a RIM with a full keyboard and the whole thing was tiny, no bigger than a small cellphone, now it was handy. It had a dedicated network, didn't use cellphone technology. I have no idea if it even still exists. Seems all the phones with a full keyboard are much bigger.
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #34  
I'll take my little flip phone with a simple number pad any day over a clunky QWERTY phone. I had a smartphone with a full keypad for about 3 months. I tried really hard to like that phone, but in the end I went back to a separate phone and PDA. The smart phone was just too complicated to be a good phone and too simplistic to be a good PDA.

I can pick out a text message faster on a number pad than I can on a QWERTY thumb pad. What I won't do is use the faddish text abbreviations. Even though I'm sending a text, I still want to sound like an adult.
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #35  
No. Part of the beauty of the tractor is the isolation.
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #36  
i know it is a little off topic but did you know cellphones cause BRAIN TOMERS and CANSUER
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #37  
I haven't even figured out all of the buttons on the cell phone yet ! And I don't want to. After I retired, the tech stuff became less important. Now riding the ATV and playing with the tractor is what it is all about. The internet gets used for ATV and Kubota reasearch, and I like it this way.
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #38  
I don't text while operating ANYTHING, in fact I usually leave the phone in the house if I am working outside. Folks recently feel that with all the portable crap to communicate with, that I'm available 24 hours a day. I don't use the phone while in the bathroom (STRICT rule!!!) I don't use the phone while eating, driving, in church, at the movies, or visiting with friends. I will not answer my phone while in the check out line at the store, while conversing with a live human, or listening to any of my favorite songeson the radio, or watching any of my favorite TV shows. You probably see a pattern here, yep I hate being interupted by the **** phone, and since I am the one that pays for it, it gets used at MY convenience, no one elses.
   / Do you Text message while driving the tractor #39  
I do have a cell phone, for several years it was my only phone - but I purchased it strictly to be a Phone! I detest texting, so of course my (grown) daughter insists upon texting me. And then gets mad when I don't immediately respond even if no response is required. Why the ding dong can't she just call me, knowing how I feel? Because she hates the telephone....