Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden?

   / Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden?
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Maybe a practical method to determine the proper border would be to put whatever your tilling with on the back of the tractor, make a mark at the back of it, then lift it and turn 90 degrees and stop. Then measure how far out in front of the mark the farthest part of your tractor ends up being.
I'm going to do that. Thanks for the suggestion my tractor has a very tight turn radius; way tighter than my truck, but the tiller and plow will swing wide.
   / Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden?
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Yes, we do get dear and rabbits.
I plan on stopping the diggers by bending some fencing at a right angle along the edge of the bottom of the fence and laying a few feet of it out onto the grass surrounding the fence then staking it down so I can mow over it.
I saw a video of a guy doing this and it looks like it'd work. I doubt Chester the groundhog will think to start his hole a few feet from the fence and the high voltage wire he'll undoubtedly encounter as he inspects things might send him packing.
   / Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden?
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have seen deer jump a 20 ft high
chain link fence with no problem.
I wanna know more about this 20 feet.
Do they do it from a standing position or a running start.
It makes a difference for whether I use a Tachyeon field generator or a Romulan cloaking device.
   / Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden? #45  
Yes use the tractor and 3 point tiller 72 inches in fenced garden with 10 ft high fence
   / Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden? #46  
I wanna know more about this 20 feet.
Do they do it from a standing position or a running start.
It makes a difference for whether I use a Tachyeon field generator or a Romulan cloaking device.
20 foot chain link fence????? When I built my fence around my garden/orchard, I went with a 9’ fence and that has kept all deer out for the past 6 years. I see the tracks around the fence perimeter but nothing has gotten inside. Willie must have super deer to jump a 20’ fence.
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   / Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden? #47  
I now use two fences, both electrified but with nylon ropes between carriage house and another fence. Deer have no depth perception and cannot figure out double fences.

One fence is two wires/ropes with top one about 4 ft and bottom about 1 ft. Outfer fence is single wire/rope and about 3 ft.

They got in during last winter with snow on the ground and ate my camellia, but the fence kept them out sans snow.
   / Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden? #48  
First 12' and now 20'. 🦌
   / Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden?
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Deer have no depth perception
With two eyes wide spaced they have bloody good depth perception. Ever watch one running through the woods? I've seen the "two level fencing" I don't know what it is about them that seems to deter the deer, but whatever it is, it cant possibly be a depth perception trick.
Any critter that can run flat out through heavy wood has fabulous depth perception.
   / Do you use your tractor in a fenced in Garden? #50  
Animals in general don't like going into places they're not sure they can get back out. *Usually* this keeps dogs in open-top kennels safe, unless the predator (puma) is desperate.

I think deer are good at jumping high, but in my experience their standing high jump will only get them over about a 6' fence. They can obviously clear a much higher fence if they have a running start... but they're not going to jump *into* a space that they may not be able to have a good run to jump back out, and jumping over a double fence requires a decent height as well as a distance jump, and the typically garden enclosed by such poses concerns of being able to get back out.

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