Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage

   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #21  
I'm not sure if it would result in a shortage of workers, but it would definitely create a vacuum that would need filling. I people who are here illegally where not allowed to work, then US Citizens that do not have jobs would have to fill those jobs. How to get them from not wanting to work and collect welfare to taking on a job might require the owner of the company to offer more money and benefits then they get for free from the government. Or the government could cut down on how much welfare they give out so that it's not so comfortable doing nothing.

   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #22  
Another result of raising the minimum wage is that it creates more work for illegal aliens. As owners of business's reduce costs to stay profitable, they turn to hiring illegals and pay them under the table.


Eddie, good morning. So your theory is that illegal practices by business owners should be curtailed by paying low wages? :)

We don't have the illegals problem here that border states do, so I don't want to judge something I know little about. Our friends in Canada only come to visit and swim in ice-free water. Our "aliens", although legal citizens, tend to be drug runners from NYC, Boston, and NJ.
   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #23  
Another result of raising the minimum wage is that it creates more work for illegal aliens. As owners of business's reduce costs to stay profitable, they turn to hiring illegals and pay them under the table.


It isn't just illegals... plenty of legal U.S. citizens work for cash under the table.
   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #24  
It isn't just illegals... plenty of legal U.S. citizens work for cash under the table.

And some have as long as I can remember.
   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #25  
Franchise restaurants--where presumably a good chunk of restaurant dollars are spent by the public--can be very profitable in the US. The average annual revenue per franchise restaurant store is $750,000. The top 12 franchise single store average annual revenues range from $3,158,000 at Chick-fil-A to $1,480,000 at Wendy's.

There is a lot more involved than the $60K-$65K average annual restaurant owner income which includes small Mom&Pop operations who have limited numbers of employees in any case. $15/hour is $31,200 per year gross full-time.

Million-Dollar Burger -- The Most Lucrative Fast-Food Restaurants - Forbes

You can see the brands and average store revenues for the top 12 here:
Ringing Up The Most Sales - In Photos: The 12 Best Fast-Food Franchises To Own - Forbes

While those revenues sound great, what is their net income? Citing revenues instead of net always makes the business owner look like the greedy 1%er to the "stupid" voter.

I think the Feds should stay out of this altogether, let the states decide. If the state of Washington wants to raise their minimum wage, go for it. Other states can watch and see the results and let that help determine what they do. This is exactly what the founders envisioned.

Agreed. The founders expected people to vote with their feet and move to wherever is most advantageous to that individual's situation. Let the states decide.
   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #26  
if you add up all of the "free" benefits that the average system abuser gets in a month, what would the per hour rate be? If that ended up being more than the $15/hr proposed rate, they still won't leave the system? But that is a topic for a different thread.
   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #27  
When did burger flipping and salting fries become a career choice ?

Because that's the only job they can get.

I work with many people that have NO job skills. Some of it is due to their mental capabilities; their brains aren't wired to do anything more complicated. They were born that way. Not their fault. Some of them have major behavioral issues and are borderline unemployable. Some just don't give a ****. And some of them just like to work. They don't really care what they are doing as long as they are doing something. I know a dozen old ladies that do it because they are bored. Its light labor, they get out of the house for 4-5 hours a day, they socialize on the job and they get paid. Their husbands are typically older than them, retired with a pension or dead. Some of them need the money because their husbands didn't fare so well in their working years. Those I feel bad for. They'll work in unskilled, low paying jobs until their bodies won't let them or they die.

Others have no education. They are capable of doing more complex tasks, but don't have the schooling or on-the-job training and they are stuck in a financial trap. They don't earn enough to go back to school and they have to work 2-3 part-time jobs at minimum wage just to earn enough to eat and put a small roof over their heads. Many of them have families. I know a Mom, Dad and daughter that all work part-time at the same employer. Dad had a good paying factory job in the 70s-90s. He didn't have any education. He was a union forklift driver making huge wages. Factory closed. No one is going to hire someone with 30 years of forklift driving experience for $50k. Just isn't going to happen. The three of them together probably bring in $36k. No health insurance.

Many, many of the late teen to early twenties somethings I work with had no plans after high school. They had no role models. No one to help them realize their potentials. They typically come from broken families and they have been getting by on minimum wage job since they were early teens. Its hard to watch. I try to tell them they need to go back to school to get a better paying job, but herein lies the rub...

If they are a single parent making low wages, they qualify for several government assistance programs. Welfare, WIC, housing assistance, free healthcare for the kids, free private school education vouchers from the state, etc... It ads up to something like $32K in assistance annually They'd have to find a job making $16.00 per hour just to break even on what they get for free. An in our state there is also a free private school voucher program that low waqe earners qualify for. You can get $4500 per kid to send them to private schools! Three kids? Here' another $13,500.00. So that makes it $47K they'd have to earn.... about $23.50 per hour! And they'd have to work 40 hours a week, vs the 25 they work now. There is no incentive to work for something you are already getting for free. And, everyone in their social circle is doing the same thing. Their parents did the same thing. It is "normal" for them and therefore acceptable. They see nothing wrong with the situation. They have housing, food, education, cell phone. Life' not so bad. Of course, they have no adult health insurance, but that's coming too, now. And I forgot about the free college for poor kids so they don't have to save for college for their kids, either. YIKES! What a rant!

Anyhow, the system is broken. Where's the politics forum?
   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #28  
And some have as long as I can remember.

I do tractor and computer work for A&W Root Beer and maybe a nice dinner, but I don't take cash.
   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #29  
YIKES! What a rant!

Anyhow, the system is broken. Where's the politics forum?

Yep, we're gettin' into politics where we don't belong:laughing:, but I can honestly say that I, too, personally know folks just like you're talking about. And you're absolutely right.
   / Finally an article that puts numbers to the argument of Min Wage #30  
Yep, we're gettin' into politics where we don't belong:laughing:, but I can honestly say that I, too, personally know folks just like you're talking about. And you're absolutely right.

I kind of feel bad for some of these folks. They are young, active, good health, laugh, play, party, work. But they have ZERO ambition to do anything else. When we have good run at work, and it goes well, we get done early, and they complain about not getting enough hours. Then we have a bad run, it goes over two hours, we get done late and they complain about working too long! In reality, I guess the main thing we all have in common is we like to complain about everything!!! :laughing: