Tires Front tires plowing the ground

   / Front tires plowing the ground #1  


Platinum Member
Jul 3, 2007
Central KY
Ford 6610 II
When I first got my tractor I noticed that I had to be careful not to cut the wheel too hard if I was going very fast at all or my front wheels would leave big ruts in the grass. Here's what kind of tires I have:

We were in a drought most of the summer, so the ground was like concrete. I could drive around slowly and not tear the grass up too bad. Then I got a FEL. Then is finally started to rain some. I was out there last night on the soft ground and even at a crawl I was leaving huge ruts in the grass every time I turned.

Is that a problem with this type of tire specifically? Are there better tred patterns that will lessen the problem? Or is that just something you deal with on a big tractor?
   / Front tires plowing the ground #2  
I don't have any experience with this type of tractor, but I would check to make sure that the differential lock was not stuck on causing both rear wheels to turn at the same speed and therefore making it hard to turn.

   / Front tires plowing the ground #3  
Check the distance from a rib in the front of your tire and at the rear on same rib at axle height, they should be close, they call that toe in/toe out, and it can be adjusted real easy
   / Front tires plowing the ground #4  
From my experience you have the worse front tire design possible for a lawn. You need a more flat (big footprint) tire so it will not sink in so much. I've even seen car tires used on older tractors. They're flat and don't leave much of a footprint.

Also, you didn't say, but if you leave the FEL on that will add to the problem.
   / Front tires plowing the ground #5  
There is nothing wrong with your tractor based on your description. Growing up on a farm, those tires were called "Tri-Ribs". They are made specifically for agricultural use. They do cut when turned sharp. They should not be used on a lawn or anywhere you don't want to peel the turf back when turning.

You can minimize those effects by using the turning brakes.

They are great tires for field work though. I personally wouldn't have a farm tractor without Tri-Ribs on the front. Wouldn't drive them on a lawn though!

   / Front tires plowing the ground #6  
The otheres have it right. Those are basic ribbed farm tires, not designed to go on lawns. Since it is 2WD you can change to any tires you want. I suspect that Galaxy Turf Tires would tear it up the least,

   / Front tires plowing the ground #7  
Those tri-ribs will tear the grass if they are cut sharp. To lessen the effect, make sure that the toe in is set correctly and put on front weights.
   / Front tires plowing the ground #8  
My JD tractor originally had those on it, but they removed them for lawn work. They put on 11L-15 and those worked fine, but when I bought the JD, they were pretty worn. I had a couple of flats, and decide to put a pair of 31x13.50-15's that came on a trailer axle from the same farm.(no cost to me!!) It used the same bolt pattern, so they just mounted right on. Having 13.5 inches of rubber in a semi slick pattern, does wonders for expanding the load over a wider surface.
My Ford similar to yours uses R-1 on the front, so it tears up the grass also! I can really get the wife riled up by driving that 6 tire monster across the front yard!!!
David from jax
   / Front tires plowing the ground #9  
Spiveyman, your TBM buddies have correctly given you your answer.:D
   / Front tires plowing the ground #10  
Check your front alignment as mentioned earlier. I have a JD tricycle - the 2 fronts set close. No problem. It has to be alignment. There just isnt much lateral force needed to turn the tractor. Your tires are fighting each other.

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