Gonna go after Kubota

   / Gonna go after Kubota #12  
cast_and_blast said:
Murph -

Slip of the keyboard, but I think you mean "cease and desist". ;)

Have a great day!


I'm fairly sure he really meant stop and die....
   / Gonna go after Kubota #13  

From my dealings and talks with you, you are a class act as a person and a dealer. That's probably why this Kubota dealer is stooping so low, and it's probably out of jealousy over you moving more product than him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be paying you any attention.

Do as you feel you need to, but don't let this clown steal your style and class when you do it.
   / Gonna go after Kubota
  • Thread Starter
Thanks Guys. What I meant by going after them is getting more competitive than we already are. For about 2 years one Kubota dealer in particular has been viscious. We beat them on a school district bid. When they found they lost the bid the owner of this particular dealership wrote a six page letter to the school district. He said if he had known he could have bid a cheaper tractor. He said we were selling low quality implements but he was offering high quality "Woods" implements. I took pictures of the Montana 15 batwing mower we were delivering and guess what. You got it, Woods was clearly plastered on the gear head, cylinders etc. He claimed we were being mis-leading by selling a tractor called a Montana when it is not even manufactured in America let alone Montana (goofball). Said we were a Chinese or other 3rd world product and that we were mis-leading in our product representation and many other things. This is desperation but becomes annoying after time.

Well, the school district did not go with them and have happily used their Montana with loader, hoe, mowers, core aerators, rakes, PHD etc for about a year now and love it. We then won the commuity college bid and they started taking out ads that said "Montana tractors were mis-leading". He promptly got a letter from Montana warning them to be careful. They backed off on those.

For me, I will just ignore them but the purpose of this original post was to see just how much of Kubota is manufactured by Kubota.

They have a great tractor but I know they don't manufacture hose and all components of their machine and if they want to claim that then in some cases I may want to show they are not really being genuine.

If they worried less about me and focused more on their customers they would be better off.

In any case. One of the Kubota dealers sells NH track loaders and started to bash the ASV we sell. Said that it was not the quality of his NH and that they had better power plants etc. Funny thing is that the Perkins engine in the ASV RC50 and RC60 is manufactured by a company called Shibaura the same maker of several of their NH tractors so the mroe they bash the more I will continue to show their ignornace.

OH well, my rant is complete and I will move ahead. Thank Guys, have a great day.

   / Gonna go after Kubota #15  
Maka said:
Thanks Guys. What I meant by going after them is getting more competitive than we already are. For about 2 years one Kubota dealer in particular has been viscious. We beat them on a school district bid. When they found they lost the bid the owner of this particular dealership wrote a six page letter to the school district. He said if he had known he could have bid a cheaper tractor. He said we were selling low quality implements but he was offering high quality "Woods" implements. I took pictures of the Montana 15 batwing mower we were delivering and guess what. You got it, Woods was clearly plastered on the gear head, cylinders etc. He claimed we were being mis-leading by selling a tractor called a Montana when it is not even manufactured in America let alone Montana (goofball). Said we were a Chinese or other 3rd world product and that we were mis-leading in our product representation and many other things. This is desperation but becomes annoying after time.

Well, the school district did not go with them and have happily used their Montana with loader, hoe, mowers, core aerators, rakes, PHD etc for about a year now and love it. We then won the commuity college bid and they started taking out ads that said "Montana tractors were mis-leading". He promptly got a letter from Montana warning them to be careful. They backed off on those.

For me, I will just ignore them but the purpose of this original post was to see just how much of Kubota is manufactured by Kubota.

They have a great tractor but I know they don't manufacture hose and all components of their machine and if they want to claim that then in some cases I may want to show they are not really being genuine.

If they worried less about me and focused more on their customers they would be better off.

In any case. One of the Kubota dealers sells NH track loaders and started to bash the ASV we sell. Said that it was not the quality of his NH and that they had better power plants etc. Funny thing is that the Perkins engine in the ASV RC50 and RC60 is manufactured by a company called Shibaura the same maker of several of their NH tractors so the mroe they bash the more I will continue to show their ignornace.

OH well, my rant is complete and I will move ahead. Thank Guys, have a great day.


if you believe in the product you're selling, then so will the customer. when you "bash" other brands like the competition has been doing, you dont seem so confident in your product, instead you seem more worried about what theyre product can/cant do then what the strenghts and weaknesses of yours are. business is business, if someone beats you in a sale, find out why they did and next time try to make improvments on the reason(s) you didnt get the sale. ive always prefered dealers that treated me as if i was the only customer they had and were more then happy to answer any and all questions i had, demonstrate their products to me, and gave me a fair price up front. service after the sale is how to win repeat customers in my opinion, and you can be selling the greatest product in the world, but if you dont stand behind it 100% then i will take my money to the #2 product and the dealer with the better service. keep being aggressive, but in the correct way and customers will come and your business will grow and grow. remember this, word of mouth can make or break a business' success.
   / Gonna go after Kubota #16  
I am very big about telling people to contact an attorney with problems and handle it that way. In your case I am going to deviate from that advice. I am not sure an attorney would be able to help you. The ads that they took out about montana was definetly something that you could take legal action about. Your post indicated that montana did that and they stopped. In any kind of legal action you would have to show damages. A kubota dealer that says all of his product is made under one roof is not something I believe you could protest. Telling people that Montana tractors are made from components manufactured by other companies is probably a true statement. I know that montana does not manufacture the tires for instance. I dont believe that Mitsubishi makes the frames and I dont know who makes the transmissions. If they are not telling lies it is going to be hard to prove anything against them. I might take the tack of saying that Montana is made up of components. A company that specializes in making starters and have engineers that specialize in designing starters make that components. A company that specializes in making transmissions designs the transmissions etc. Versus a company that has engineers that have to know how to make motors and transmissions and hydraulics etc. I would prefer to have a selection of parts from someone that specializes in making those individual parts.

Of course from what I have read on here you could just go on giving the same excellent customer service. Sell an excellent product and point out that the Montana will do the same job as a kubota for less money.

and if you really want to sell more Montana tractors pester them to write a decent service manual :)
   / Gonna go after Kubota #17  
cast_and_blast said:
Murph -

Slip of the keyboard, but I think you mean "cease and desist". ;)

Have a great day!


LMAO,, Too funny. I remember now I started the post and then got a phone call and kept typing. :D :D Maybe I should learn to preview.
   / Gonna go after Kubota #18  
Sounds like the same old stuff is still going on! You should get a copy of the letter the schol has if you haven't already and hang on to it.

I bet you could get good results by contacting Kubota. I'm sure they don't like dealers acting like a$$es when they represent their product!

If had your sales numbers, I don't think I would have the time to worry! There is a reason that you folks have the quality customers that you do and while you think this clown may be hurting you, there is no way to even know how many folks came to you to look and see how bad these junk third world tractors were, and then bought one!!

Everyone is different but his approach would have me out of his place faster than a fire!!

   / Gonna go after Kubota #19  
Let's look at it another way, you won some bids that got his attention. What is he doing but drawing more attention to you! Let him keep getting frustrated and take all the advertising he is doing for you and relish the fact you haven't spent a dollar!

It isn't the company he represents and they would just as soon he not be doing it by their standards as it is just free advertising for you. Talk and walk positive and you will be the winner.
   / Gonna go after Kubota #20  
montanaman said:
I bet you could get good results by contacting Kubota. I'm sure they don't like dealers acting like a$$es when they represent their product!
Very good thought for any future antics. I work for a large company and our corporate culture prohibits any negative comments about competitors. We have an industry relations department that makes sure we don't have any problems in this area.
As for component built vehicles. Seems to me that many of the cars I have owned fall into that category. Factory components from Dana, Carter, Holly, Good Year, etc... Wish I could add Cummins to that list but I've never owned one. ;)