Gonna go after Kubota

   / Gonna go after Kubota #41  
You should change your title from "gonna go after kubota" to "I need to vent about a Kubota dealer" then keep your focus.

Kubota has a super business model pretty much the same as Toyota. They believe in controlling costs, building reputation on quality, and building exactly what people want. They also built a factory here, all great strategies. Very, very loyal followings from doing things the right way.

I am positive they outsource to what extent , no clue. Thats not important or even relevant to your sales. Whats important is you sell what your company does well.

I wouldn't irritate that 800#lb gorilla to steal a quote.

Irritate the local monkey badgering you...
   / Gonna go after Kubota #43  
Man,you montana tractor guys are easy to rile,,,go down on the chinese tractor board and learn what its really like,,just cause we buy the cheapest new tractor made and its from a communist country,and there are so many different names,and some of the owners manuals say to use strained creek water in raditiator,and the oil that comes in them from china is a cross between chocolote milk and mud,,,,,,don't mean we are second class,,well,,,,thingy
   / Gonna go after Kubota #44  
I think Maka was really more frustrated with the other guy's selling techniques than with Kubota, and was dragged into the scrum that occurs on here when a post doesn't sit well with someone else.

About the only thing I know of that is completely American made anymore is an American child born to two American parents. (Would an American child concieved by two American parents overseas be considered outsourcing?) Anyway.

If a customer came to me with misinformation about a product I was selling I would give him the truth as known to me. Seems your selling pretty well Maka. Take the high road. I may be a throwback who still thinks of honesty and integrity as a sign of quality and dependability. I know that doesn't sit well in our "global environment" saturated with "political correctness" (which is another term for lying). But I'd pay more for a product from an honest man than buy a deal from a guy who has to bash the competition to make a deal. Tell what you got and what's good about it, don't worry about the less than truthful folks.
   / Gonna go after Kubota
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I am sick of being lied about year after year by some of these dealers. It is always a new attack and always so underhanded by the local dealers sales reps. A person can go so long ignoring but at some point you become frustrated.

By the way, I have a friend who is a great Kubota dealer who I work with on lots of things. He is honest and his customers really like him and as I said I never put down competition and I know many sales have come to me as a result of the bad mouthing by certain dealers.

Hey, Kubota is a good product and I tell people that straight out and mean it but us being called thrid world junk, telling people we mislead, calling names etc... is just over the line on these dealers parts.

So, if the 800# gorilla is listening to what is just my opinion about some local dealer tactics then maybe they could reign in some of this type of thing.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and mine is just that. The difference is I have letters that some of these jokers have written to customers calling us names, saying things that are untrue etc.

OK, I won't keep this going any longer as it is now a dead horse.

   / Gonna go after Kubota #46  
Hang in there. I know when someone talks about you or your product like this guy does, it is hard to take. Just remember to take the high road and I know it easier to say than do sometimes. But, do that and people in your area will learn which guy is honest and which guy is blowing smoke. You are hurting his business and he knows that, but keep doing what you are doing and your business will continue to grow.
   / Gonna go after Kubota
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CDSdad and Jerry, thanks you got it exactly. I want to take the high road. I want to be fair and treat people right and just got frustrated and it ends here and appreciate your see exactly why I was frustrated.

Best Regards,
   / Gonna go after Kubota #48  
It sounds to me like you're getting the best revenge possible, success!
   / Gonna go after Kubota #49  
RollingsFarms said:
the only label plate i can find on my JD says "engine manufactured in Japan".

Look right below the pto shaft. You will see something like "Manufactured in Japan by Yanmar Diesel Engine Co". That is not a bad thing.
   / Gonna go after Kubota #50  
Maka, sorry you are having to deal with this. People will catch on to his bashing schtick and eventually realize they can go somewhere else and get just as good of a product and deal with people that dont' have negative attitudes.

Best of luck to you!