Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #150,691  
ken, sorry about the deer but keep them full please, don't send them this way...
I'm going to seriously jinx myself now that the hosta are coming up but I haven't seen any deer in months.

errands run, four little flags planted out by mailbox, watered all the plants, picked a few runty radishes, and now sitting down and trying to stop sweating.
Lovely day out.
   / Good morning!!!! #150,692  
Unfortunately fawns will stay right where the does leave them bedded down we get a few every summer during haying season.
Mowing along it is difficult to see them till after the fact. When we do see one in time we'll lift the header up over them or hydro swing the mower around and leave a clump of hay standing.
   / Good morning!!!! #150,693  
toppop52 said, "I got all the furniture and grill back on the deck yesterday, after Friday’s cleaning. Not a fun job but it sure looks nice when you realize those railings are white not green."

Randy, you say that wasn't a fun job. Two weeks ago today, after I refinished our deck the day before, I put the furniture back on the deck, then I picked up a big potted plant with a metal pan under it to catch any water that ran through, and I was wrestling that darned thing back up onto the deck when I tripped on the step and fell on my face on that plant and the metal pan; destroying both. Big bruise on my left arm and I knew the upper part of my left ribs hurt pretty bad, but I had no problem getting up and went on about my business. But after 2 days of not being able to sleep much because of the pain in my left chest, I finally went to my doctor, got x-rays made and concluded nothing broken, just badly bruised. And after another 10 days I started being able to sleep OK again.🤣🤣🤣

And neither my wife, nor the daughter who gave her that big potted plant, said a word about me destroying it.:ROFLMAO:

Probably a smart move on their part.
   / Good morning!!!! #150,695  
Left foot is fine, but the right foot isn' choice is to work with a painful foot, or wear a slipper, if I want to do chores...
Oh well, the downed branches aren't going anywhere...

Bit overcast right now, but it's been sunny all morning (I was up about 0500). Reckon I'll be sitting on the deck watching the world go by...
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   / Good morning!!!! #150,696  
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

And we have often helped the world, with our blood, not as conquerors, but as liberators over tyranny and cruel governments (that have become destructive to these ends).

And some gave all. Never to return to our shores.

Some would call me a war mongerer. But imagine, if Japan hadn't struck Pearl Harbor, FDR would not have been able to throw our full might against Germany. Then with Germany stronger, Britain would have fallen, ****** could have moved all his troops against his eastern battlefields, and the world would be a horrible place, governed by tyrannical parties in power.

And some gave all. Thankfully for us. And Britain. And France. And China. And many others in Europe, Northern Africa, and the Asia-Pacific.

I want to thank all our vets, current service members and 1st responders (who are called in for domestic terrorism cases all too often).

As I write this with watering eyes, I would like all to know that I hold Memorial Day, to be one of our most sacred holidays in the United States of America.
   / Good morning!!!! #150,698  
Kyle, when the United States can no longer be counted on to save the world, there will be no world to save. It is our mission and the reason for our existence.
You understand the big picture.

Russia has recently claimed it could "destroy NATO in 30 minutes".

If it weren't for the U.S., I believe they would've already rolled all the way back to the German border.

I'm thankful for the Ukraine soldiers, giving their all, defending their country, and I want them to decimate the invading Russian forces.
   / Good morning!!!! #150,699  
words to remember
words to repeat
never forget

Kyle, our world is what it is. Not very civilized at all. Mankind has a long way to go assuming we don't blow ourselves up first.
I know it's a pipedream but in order to achieve world peace, and no need for memorial days other than for family and friends, I do worry
we would give up too much control to one overwhelming power. And power has always corrupted.

And because there are corrupt folks in power, the rest of us have to be on our guard. We cannot be sheep led off to slaughter, like my relatives in 1942, we will
remember to stand our ground, and guard our freedoms. Can't do that with spitballs.

just have to remember that Timothy McVeys and whoever the new creep's name is/was, these folks are out there.
And thank goodness for NATO. And smart that Sweden and Finland just joined. They all know a deranged killer on the loose.

While back in my own little town where the sky is blue and the birds are singing,
I pay my respects to those who have served and those who perished.
   / Good morning!!!! #150,700  
And because there are corrupt folks in power, the rest of us have to be on our guard. We cannot be sheep led off to slaughter, like my relatives in 1942, we will remember to stand our ground, and guard our freedoms. Can't do that with spitballs.
As a Quaker, I'm a bit surprised you wrote that...but it's true.
Since in a previous post (IIRC) you wrote something about supporting an AR-15 ban. Although AR-15's are not "weapons of War", any rifle would do the job of eliminating an enemy.
The problem is, most of our enemies are within...