Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #1,791  
You have not been on recently, huh? Who did you say you were, again? Sorry, your name doesn't quite register....:laughing:

And has anybody noticed that Gizmo2 seems to be missing from this thread also?

21 degrees here, pretty much normal temps for this time of the year. I am going nuts trying to figure out the slow booting problem with our computers, every since our DSL was down for a day, the booting up time has gone from 2-3 minutes to 6-8 minutes...that is just boot up time, getting online takes about the same as it did before, but why so much longer to boot up for no reason?
Are you sure your last name isn't Connolly ? :laughing: You're too darn funny! :thumbsup:
   / Good morning!!!! #1,792  
"32 easy freezy degreezy here" Borrowed that from a DJ on WNOR Norfolk, VA in the mid sixties.:D In the summertime he used to say;"Another typical Tidewater day, 95 degrees, 95% humidity, and the traffic is backed up 95 blocks on Virginia Beach Blvd.! :thumbsup:
That's a good one! I'll have to remember that (easier said than done though...)
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
Good afternoon? Up early this am, working around the new building we bought. Need to leave in a few, talking to a guy about floor coverings. Have a good one, guys!!
   / Good morning!!!! #1,795  
Good afternoon? Up early this am, working around the new building we bought. Need to leave in a few, talking to a guy about floor coverings. Have a good one, guys!!

Hey 300...what's the weather doing up there in Michigan??? Great lookin' dog by the way!
   / Good morning!!!!
  • Thread Starter
It's 37, but it supposed to go down to 13 by tomorrow night.
   / Good morning!!!! #1,797  
Right around 20 Degrees F this morning, nothing much happening yet, expecting some snow tomorrow, but who knows how much we will actually get.
   / Good morning!!!! #1,798  
23F,calm w/ full moon shin.
Dusting maybe more than inch snow been call for our area,than the temp drop...notice yesterday town/city starting to put up FROST HEAVES & BUMP signs.
   / Good morning!!!! #1,799  
27 degrees here, bright moon, heavy frost as usual. Today is for running errands and shopping. The only thing that irks me about rural living is the time it takes to drive to stores and sometimes I envy those who live in town where a grocery or Lowes is only five minutes away....
   / Good morning!!!! #1,800  
Coffee is brewing. 56 degrees this morning. Heading to 71 with more rain. Need some sun. It's been a week since we have seen any sun. Helping a neighbor change out his refrigerator today.
Good Morning All.