Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #1,801  
Good morning. Overcast and 27* here this morning. Guessers are calling for 2 to 4 inches so we'll see what happens. It's mid February and I haven't had to use the atv to plow snow yet. Have a good one and a nice weekend everyone.
   / Good morning!!!! #1,802  
27 degrees here, bright moon, heavy frost as usual. Today is for running errands and shopping. The only thing that irks me about rural living is the time it takes to drive to stores and sometimes I envy those who live in town where a grocery or Lowes is only five minutes away....

Hey William keep in mind that the grass isn稚 greener in town near those box stores! You would be there bout two days and realize they leave those darn lights on all night, spin their tires at every stop sign, blow those darn horns all the time, and would be so happy to be back in the country enjoying the dark, no horns, and everyone running to the window to see who the heck is coming up the driveway!
   / Good morning!!!! #1,803  
32 exactly for the second day in a row! Rainy Saturday coming for the third week in a row, I gotta finish getting the polymeric sand in my walks someday!:mad:
   / Good morning!!!! #1,804  
2012-02-10, 0855

21 degrees now, high of 42 predicted...
Flurries tomorrow...
   / Good morning!!!! #1,805  
Hey William keep in mind that the grass isn稚 greener in town near those box stores! You would be there bout two days and realize they leave those darn lights on all night, spin their tires at every stop sign, blow those darn horns all the time, and would be so happy to be back in the country enjoying the dark, no horns, and everyone running to the window to see who the heck is coming up the driveway!

Yeah, notice I said "sometimes..." :laughing: maybe 5% of the time I envy the city folks while probably 95% of the time a lot of them envy the country folks....

Some weeks I stay home the entire week and don't go anyplace, and when I finally drive toward a settled area, it surprises me: "Where are all these people going in such a d*** hurry??"
   / Good morning!!!! #1,806  
Not sure what that white stuff was that was falling from the sky this morning. Whatever it has turned to downpour rain!
   / Good morning!!!! #1,807  
Sitting at 30 degrees F they are warning us of a cold snap coming in tonight....
   / Good morning!!!! #1,808  
Nice and nippy here. Don't know why I said that - Nothing nice about it.

Cloudy and may rain later. ICE RAIN :eek:
   / Good morning!!!! #1,809  
Yep, another roller coaster... Two days+ of great sunshine and fairly mild temps (around 40), then tonight it's supposed to go down near zero, and stay there until Monday. One forecast said a low of +3F tonight, but with a wind chill of 13 below!!

Almost no snow on the ground, and once you step off paved areas, ice all over!