Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #182,071  
good morning all
about 50 out now, cloudy, rains coming in this afternoon and very heavy for next day, two or three inches of rain predicted and high winds.
my sister and older brother were coming into town for a family get together on Monday, think it will be postponed or cancelled. Don't want older brother driving
four hours in terrible weather.

I'm off to visit a young friend with his first new home, have a house present for him, then a school board xmas party later on this afternoon.
I expect to make a quick visit there and leave. I'm honestly not very social, don't like the crowds, people all packed in

Helo, sorry your daughter went through that, scary as can be.

I ran the gen yesterday to make sure, very likely I'll lose power tonight in this event, all this rain and wind,
down come the dead ash trees on the wires
   / Good morning!!!! #182,072  
Good morning 33 going to 76º today. Another perfect weather day to remind us why we live here. Will clean the screen and air filter and wash the tractor today after discing and dragging the a field yesterday. Everything is dry. We need rain again ... :rolleyes:
Work catch up and piddling about on the schedule today. Will activate the Christmas lights on the wishing well and write a few Christmas cards to family.

In the shop today... clean up from dirt drag building and make a pair of loader cylinder safety blocks out of scrap iron using 2 pieces of 2" L metal welded together in a U long enough to slip over the ram and prevent the FEL from coming down for service work.
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   / Good morning!!!! #182,073  
Good Morning
55 and grey outside, that will be the high for the next week. Rain starting this morning and continuing overnight.

Yesterday was a varied day. Started in the shop with Zoe, hiding from the house cleaners. I did some tinkering on the computer, my cameras stopped emailing me alerts, the issue is with apple (my email provider) not accepting the outgoing emails generated by the camera software. I had set it up previously with an Apple generated app specific password, but Apple no longer shows that as valid. So I think I know the fix now, but had to head over to Drew’s before I could implement it.

Getting the cover on the RV was a bit of a wrestling match, as none of the 5 of us had a clue. The key was having someone on the roof of the RV to get the cover over all the protrusions such as AC, Vents, etc, but we ultimately prevailed, as evidenced by Drew’s pictures.

Stopped by the RC club field, as it was now sunny and 55, didn’t bring a model, but there were 4 or 5 members there that were flying.

Made a Costco run with the wife, that place was a zoo, but we lucked out, they opened a check out line just was we walked up, and found a parking spot next to the cart return. So that was two major wins. Got everything on the shopping list (that Alexa wouldn’t print, so that’s another issue) as well as some baby backs and pork belly to sacrifice to the smoker this week.

Loaded grain and pine shavings into the barn before I put my feet up. Had plans to go see friends playing at a local venue, but I couldn’t overcome the gravity on the couch.

Today I want to bring the parts to finish the little airplane up to Allentown to get them installed. We’ll see how that goes. Not much else planned other than to eat the cranberry orange scone that a friend dropped off along with pumpkin walnut ones. She used to have a bakery, and is retired, but bakes scones every Christmas.
   / Good morning!!!! #182,075  
39F cloudy upper 40's for high rain arriving mid afternoon.

Outside chores done E muffin time.
Plans for today...Check game cams,watch some football seems I have lack inteest so far today,I should finish picking up limbs branches.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #182,076  
Good Morning! 34˚F North breeze, clear skies, high of 56˚ this afternoon.
Went shopping yesterday parking lot gridlocked went home, have to remember never to go to Wolf Ranch on the weekends before Christmas. After the non shopping I thought it would be a good idea to edge the yard before I put the tiller on the EGO motor. But then that was it for the day, enough knee activity. I think I was awake more than sleeping last night, just could not get comfortable, still drug free.
   / Good morning!!!! #182,078  
with storm and high winds coming, figured a little belt and suspenders on cover would be smart, so I added some extra
tie down ropes to the plastic latches they provide. Up front is an issue, too much loose cover over the hood area, I might add another line there.

reminds me of tying up my boat for a hurricane, did that a lot of times.


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   / Good morning!!!! #182,079  
Good Morning!!!! 43F @ 5:30AM. A mix of clouds and sun early followed by cloudy skies this afternoon. High 72F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.
I did not form it, only created the form. But basicaly a sheet of plastic is put in a frame and heated then pulled over the form while a vacuum pulls it tight.
I wonder whatever happened to the Matel VacuuForm I played with as a kid? Between that and the Creepy Crawler machine, it's a wonder I didn't burn off all my finger prints...

i’d stash a couple of poly drums of water in the garage, just in case…
I kept a 50 gallon barrel of water treated with preservative back when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. Gave away the barrel when I moved north to a home with a well and 2500 gallon storage tank. Now I'm back in the 'burbs, and can't help but wonder what good such a small supply of water would do should the municipal source dry up for some reason. In such a situation, I think I'd have a lot more to worry about than finding a drink of clean water. Besides, there won't be any room for even one 50 gallon barrel of anything in the new garage.

Sorry your daughter had to see that, Helo. The veneer of civilization is very thin, and evil hides in plain sight.

Good luck with the new cover, Drew. I tried to tarp over the fire truck one winter, but the wind kept tearing it off. I tried ratchet straps, ropes, and even super powerful magnets, but the wind always won.

Hit the grocery store first thing yesterday, then ordered a new cover for the Camry from an outfit called California Car Covers. Cost four times with the last one did, but it comes with a five year warranty. 😳 Unpacked and reassembled the entertainment system in the living room, and had just enough space on the wall to fit everything in.

I brought a new Homekit compatible thermostat down this trip and will install that today, and maybe get another set of hanging shelves up in the garage. Or something else will pop up; there are multiple opportunities to keep me busy.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.
   / Good morning!!!! #182,080  
Good Morning Guys,
Ct, 42 to start going to 54 with heavy rain coming in this afternoon!

We are all at the FD, made breakfast for all the FD kids along with a couple other guys !

Here is a pic of my grandkids waiting for Santa !

Hope all have a Great Day !


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