Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #190,531  
Good Morning Paul,
It looks like you have a little rot on that lower corner ! I’m guessing too much shade and a lot of water was the contributing factor ! Now that the sun can hit it, should be good after being replaced!
   / Good morning!!!! #190,533  

right now my home town is like a real circus, it's Pridefest and a huge flag is being carried in a parade across the
steel bridge to Lambertville NJ. Actually it's coming from NJ to PA. Bridge is half blocked off due to ongoing construction.
Hope they don't get their flag stuck in there.

I grew up outside a town that was almost half gay.
This is like Provincetown Mass or Key West Florida.
Or wherever folks of different persuasions are accepted as equal human beings.
The New York theatre crowd came to New Hope due to our Playhouse, a big theatre downtown on the Delaware.
So we grew up seeing folks with wild hair and purple capri pants and who knows what.
Many of my best clients in multiple businesses locally were gay.
This has always been a tolerant area.

But this parade in town this year is something more. This is a major public outcry against the increase in hate poured on folks
of different persuasions recently. Town is going to rock today, a little light rain won't stop this.
Anything that promotes equality and tolerance is all good in my mind.

and I've even gotten over getting squeamy looking at two guys holding hands.
if you are holding hands, you are usually showing affection.
What the world needs more of
live and let live and be kind to each other

I bet the two towns are jammed , no place for the locals to go to get to places on a Saturday morning, but
Saturday mornings are for parades and we have a doozy today.
parade day in a little town is almost always good

I hope someone is videoing it for Youtube.
apparently the theme is
hear us roar
   / Good morning!!!! #190,535  
Good morning! Low of 51°, heading towards the first 80° day of the season! Not sure if I'm happy about that or not....
No rain in the next 5 days.... probably move up the drought scale to extreme level.

We like the low / mid seventies..... like David has.... I guess we'll have to move to Hawaii :cool:;)

Bill (LFN), continue getting better! Show 'em what you can do! Hope you get home soon!

Paul, new project start! Always exciting when heavy equipment shows up! Now get the camera ready..... we'll need daily progress pics for sure!

Kyle, nice cuts! Are they going to progress to finished pieces? (Add color, edges, etc..)Send them over to the 'artsy' side of the school?

This talk of pool vacs..... no pools for me anymore! We had one at the old house.... seems that I spent more time on maintenance and cleaning than I did enjoying getting in the pool. Only way I would ever have a pool again is if I can make it "indoor", like in a big greenhouse!

I was able to get out in the shop yesterday. One access cover built, painted, and installed. The second one for the RV connection access is cut. That one will be completed today.

Need to cut the back and front yard areas. The tiny bit of rain made everything go 'poof'.... well the weeds anyway. Might wait until some more chances of rain are in the forecast. I'm liking the 'green'....

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
   / Good morning!!!! #190,536  
I'm under the same pretense of "live and let live". As long as you don't hurt me, my family, or anyone else, and don't destroy property .... you're ok to go and profess anything you want--- as long as it's peaceful.
   / Good morning!!!! #190,537  
71°F and 0 rain, but quite blustery. Been windy all night.

So the medical news while not what we hoped for can still be viewed as positive and certainly has the Dr’s attention. His exams have taken own an increased intensity and he remarks how rare her condition.

No response from LS tech to my requests for update, guess I’ll be calling Monday.

Given the windy nature of the day I can see being more an inside day.

Safe travels Drew

Prayers for all
Be safe
Have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #190,540  
Mike, managed to dislodge the tail light lens on Sophies BX. Suspect half is in the trees where I mowed between. Know where other half is as I heard it crunch in the mower and saw the orange pieces.